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Nice game feel!
I didn't quite understand the main mechanic. I think Q inhales and E exhales, and having a balanced yellow bar is required for casting spells. However I'm not sure how the healing works, it felt like I was randomly healing when pressing Q or E close to enemies.
I think a tutorial, even in text, would have helped greatly!

Also the levels were a bit too big, for the first 2 levels I completed the objectives at the very beginning, and then had to walk all the way to the end to move to the next level.

Overall, good presentation, nice game feel,  good to fight many enemies at once and have a bit of bullet hell fun.


Awesome feedback very helpful!! And thank you for playing our game!


Hi, I am the level designer for this game!

Here is a description of our abilities and what they do! As a small team of friends, we were only able to get the game running in its current state so we didn't have time to add all the things we wanted! But there is more to come!

  1. Nadi Shodhana Breath: our Damage ability, This breath can shoot through enemies and does Pierce damage and take away BREATH (press left click to activate)
  2. Ujjayi Breath: our Healing ability, This breath will cast for a short time and then heal you! This ability costs BREATH (Press Q to activate)
  3. Kapalabhati Breath: our Buff ability, This breath will PUSH mobs away and gives your BREATH (Press E to activate)

Hope this helps!

Have fun! ;)