Aww shucks thank you! :D As for the background, the image itself is actually partially transparent and underneath it I've been using colors generated in engine to get different tints, so that way the canvas and bits of the room will have some color. Also, Ren'Py has a neat feature called ColorizeMatrix where it colors an image by making the lights of an image and the darks of an image two different colors you specify, so that's how I was able to get a lot done with the background alone! You can check it out here:
Omg that's a big compliment about the words, thank you! I'm glad you think so with the 1k words because I actually wrote more than 1k and had to cut down a lot haha
Thank you so much for playing and for the kind words on everything! I really appreciate it and I'm glad you enjoyed it a lot. Gj on murdering him lol