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I played through to the end and i really enjoyed myself. The theme is implemented really well and the mechanics are fun. I think the "perfect sneze" timing is a bit strict and some of the platforming sections are made more difficult by the cameras position, but otherwise, great!

Thank you Superschnizel! XD

 Indeed the supersneeze is hard to get, it actually happens in the top 96% of the exhale power meter. We made it quite hard to achieve as it is supposed to be not needed in essence to finish the game and actually makes most puzzles way simpler. But yes, it could be more lenient for sure and incorporated into future levels for this game! As for the camera, we totally get you and we'll be taking steps to improve on the feel of it when we hourly continue with this fun project! 

Thanks for playing! 🙌 

Jad Tawbi, Lead Programmer