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I liked overall style and idea, but I just couldn’t get the timing right - it almost feels as if visuals/music is slightly out of sync with when the game expects you to move, but maybe it’s just my browser or the internet connection. Also please never use only colors to indicate something, because people with color vision deficiency (~10% of male population, myself included) will have really hard time. Always better to use something else apart from color, like shape, numbers or letters.

That's a really good point on the colour stuff. We take that stuff seriously and we'll have a think about how to accommodate people with colour vision deficiency. Thank you for raising it.

It is possible that your browser is rounding timestamps to the nearest 100ms to stop fingerprinting attacks. We are looking into a solution that should get the game feeling more satisfying.

Thanks for the feedback, hopefully we'll be able to get this game to a point where it's enjoyable for you in the future.