i am so unbelievably enamoured by ur art style it isn’t even funny. i was like a cartoon character with hearts in my eyes just staring at the cg you made, it not only looks beautiful but perfectly captures the visual sentiment of what i imagine this moment feels like to our main doll. it’s confusing, and saturated, and bleeds into itself, much like i imagine doll’s feelings about this reset.
BIG fan of this soundtrack too! perfectly compliments the atmosphere this game captures.🔧⚙️
was super interesting to replay so many times and continue to pull out further and further details about the operator and what being a doll is on so many rounds of playthrough, you’ve packed a lot into this little game and made it very well worth the players time and curiosity!
very intrigued to check out the rest of your works and i hope to see you work on something similar in the near future! :- )