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The game is great, I like how there is a small cloud gap at the start between two sundrops, so you can get them in your first try, on second try you can get up to 4 if you avoid getting hit and only finishing the half of the sundrop(that needs some petals?). On 3rd try you can finish the sundrop at the start and probably get to the 6th one. Also if you avoid getting hit you can reach the end on the 6th sundrop. Needless to say the artstyle looked really cool, especially the effects on the clouds. The design is great, taking in count that there is a timer i might assume it was meant to be completed as fast as possible, so yeah I did exactly that and my best score was 87 seconds.


It makes me happy you've tried optimizing it lol! I put the timer there because I thought some people may like trying to beat their time but you definitely have the fastest time I have seen! I appreciate the kind words and thanks for playing!