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I CANT CHOSE WHO IS BETTER!!! Flo is like a shy little sister who you just want to protect and I like it that way so I'm leaving her out (no adult things with her as its not to my taste), but now Im suffering between Wifu Ori and Husbondo Sean! Ori is adventurous and playful so it makes seeing her soft at times beautiful while still keeping a fire lit. Sean is confident and outgoing and knows what he wants and it makes you want to chill with him and have some fun both at your own expanse (make him laugh) or his (makes you laugh) but at the end both of you are laughing (ADD A SCENE LIKE THIS AUTHOR).

And this was my Five minute rant, thank you for reading

TLDR: Ori or Sean? Who better?










i like all Ori and Sean but i like Ori more :)

just saying Flo has a shockingly forward side when she’s enjoying herself during mating; she’ll demand you keep going and outburst with…rather colorful language. She’s demure in public but she knows what she likes, apparently.