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Don't understand how that is "left wing" since it is the right that wants to control people's sexual actions and censor all forms of sexual expression.


that is absolutely the opposite of reality. 

And quite typical for a leftist. You're probably one of those who think that the Nazis were not left wing socialists too 


right, I guess all those crazy Christian organizations like Focus on the Family and 1 million moms that were trying to get pornography and anything sexual banned from all media and who don't want comprehensive sex Ed taught are hard-core liberals, right? Also, what the fuck does this have to do with the Nazis? But yes, the nazis were far right, not left. Just because they put the word socialist in there, doesn't mean they are left wing. Also, left wing does not mean "socialist" the only reason far right idiots think socialism and leftist are synonymous is because of the underlying Tennant of "social ownership". Literally if you Google "Nazi political party" several results start by defining it as  "a Far-right political party". Like any form of government, you go far enough left and you circle back around to right leaning ideas, and vice versa. My point was, you don't see the left putting in laws to regulate peoples sexual expression, gender or orientation, yet you do see that on the right. It just baffles me that someone would label something left because it does what the right notoriously does. It would be like if I called somw group "Far-right" because they were always canceling people (that is something notoriously left). I'm not going to say anything else about this because this isn't the site to argue politics and your idiotic "Nazis were left leaning" comment alone is enough for me to not waste any more of my time on you.

(4 edits) (+1)(-6)

you ideologically driven propaganda has no power here. #WordsHaveMeanings. you must be new to this topic, because less than 5 years ago, those very same dictionaries still had accurate definitions for those words, which have very recently been edited. try getting out the basement, head down to the library, find an older, hard-copy dictionary and learn a few historical facts.
just because someone at the google corporation decided to bullshit on the front page, just because the 3 or 4 people running wiki with bots have issues with political accountability, just because ideologues have taken over nice easy office jobs at various dictionary corporations, doesn't mean that those are true statements, and only a fool would listen to a corporations corrupt word over logic and etymology. there is n o other association to make with socialism other than it being a core tenet of extreme left-wing politics. 
socialism is a far-left doctrine, always has been. it is based on absurd freedom-oppressing premises such as "for the greater good" and "equality for all". it penalises success in order to make losers equal to successful people. no points for guessing which of those two categories you belong to. 
it was followed quite strictly by the NAZI party of early 19th century germany. no amount of dictionary-editing will ever change that socialism is a far-left wing policy and all the deaths that came of it, are from the extremes of that insidious anti-freedom politic. but hey, enjoy your absurd delusion.PS: your strawman fallacies of false equivalence are logically invalid, but im certain you don't have the iq required to process logical premise. just because someone is religious, the religion of Atheism is a perfect example of a left-wing religious faith.
one of the very core tenets of the right-wing of politics is "less/smaller governments, more personal freedoms", thats the opposite of what you're trying to claim..

Deleted 93 days ago
Deleted 93 days ago
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no, it wasnt. they nationalised just about everything in the country - thats the very definition of socialism. everything hitler did was "for the greater good"  and "in the interests of the people of germany".  your argument is the intellecetual equivalent of someone trying to say "i was born a woman, but i had a double-mastocomy and wear mans clothes, so im not a woman"
your no-true-scotsman fallacy is invalid.
SuperBonusProtip: google is not a dictionary and wikipedia is not an encyclopedia. they are both objectively propaganda outlets.

Deleted 93 days ago
Deleted 93 days ago
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bro get over your self, why the fuck is this a valid conversation in the COMMENT SECTION of a PORN GAME, join a debate club if you wanna speak about this shit man 💀🤣

Deleted 1 year ago

i dont care if there was a dog in this vn, cos facts dont care about your feelings, and fictional characters certainly dont give a fuck about anything. you need to take a good long hard look a yourself, and maybe read a book or two instead of listening to ideologues on twitter. trans is a fantasy, it doesnt exist in reality. transitioning sex is impossible, and gender is exists nowhere outside of your own mind.
inb4 "you know theres aliens in this Vn right?"


You're not too bright, are you


You don't have a valid argument, do you


This "Ghryst" person is the epitome of neckbeard keyboard warriors 💯

Every single comment section they appear in is just completely irrelevant nonsense from them, and baseless claims against anybody who calls them out on their shit


They weren't, genius


and your personal opinion on a factual matter is irrelevant. 

Being far right or far left is wrong. The middle is where it is at. We lost that in this generation for sure. Government overreach and religious overreach are both wrong. There are universal rights and wrongs though. That is a fact whether people want to believe it or not. Just saying. I'm out now. Peace. :)