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hey. honestly, i hate the fact that whenever im enjoying a visual novel and then suddenly theres some lesbian or gay thing that happens without my approval. its like EVERY SINGLE visual novel has to have gay characters. its so annoying, man. reminds me of when i was playing Leap Of Faith and then Kira kissed Cece. some of us are not into that shit, dude. it actually turns me off completely on the story because im forced to see it. i deleted this game but i did enjoy the rest of the story. finding good visual novels is hard these days. cause every developer seems to have the same mindset. except like 3 developers i know who kept things normal. and Cathy looks like Holly from Leap Of! usually i replay and speedrun a game i love but because of the reason stated above...i wont replay this one. 5/10 for me.

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whatever floats your boat, beta boy. I personally hate that shit. The problem with people like you is you grew up watching too much porn. But errr it if you want. I was just telling the developer what I don't like. and if he is clever, he will listen to his critiques.


Weird complaint tbh. As a guy, I wouldnt want gay content, but dont mind lesbian content. I dont think its THAT big of a deal though, just isnt for you. The majority are probably okay with it, so you fall into a minority bro, dont play it if you dont want. TBH, your comment just comes off as a rant for attention because you were hot and bothered more than you needed to be.


I don't usually mind that content. However it was handeled strangley in this game, with overt political bias.

The Trans character is just a trojan horse to inject real world current politics into the game. Talking about "Transfemenism" and all this BS. Your character is refferred to as "Cisgender" which is literally an insult for "Heterosexual" used by weirdo Leftists(Exclusively), why is it being used in a a Sci-Fi story set 100 years into the future?

I don't mind there being a trans character, just make them like a normal fucking human being. Not a walking billboard for your political ideologies.


Don't judge too harshly, for some people, this is the only experience at dating they have, so when MC is not involved in a scene, they feel like they're being cheated on.


yh the developer needs to signal us. Trans gender is a no go area. Reminds me of when i was playing tales of the unending void. i thought 'Reane' was a straight, turns out she has both a dick and a VG. THE GAME TURNED FROM ENJOYABLE TO SOUR CUZ MY PRIDE WAS HURT