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A member registered Apr 08, 2023

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I'm running out of time. I have to continue making my game. Stay away from homosexuality if you ever want to live a good life. all of it may seem fun but it's going to cause a lot of problems later. Thank you for the conversation, You did make that Kelly lady upset though. She was looking out for her well-being and possibly stopping sexualizing of women. Which I agree with on a subject as unpopular as this. We are born with people telling us that it's okay when it's in fact ugly. But yes, I can't stop you from watching lesbian porn but just know that I am your brother and I will always advise you as a brother to steer away from things that make a man weak mentally and physically. 

So what was the purpose of this one article? why did you send it to me?

Alright, I'll see. Thanks kelly! follow me here on the site though.

Hahahahahahaaa pardon me? I'm not upset, I rather find it funny how you completely avoided the question because of your lack of reason. I compared Two things. That both define something. Sexually performing with a child is paedophilia right? And so is sexually performing with a person of the same sex, homosexuality.

-Reason why I mentioned that is because it's a very good example. You said that homosexuality is "attraction" and not an "Act" when you were talking to that lady Kelly. And then you also mentioned that it's not the same for women hahahaha. This was funny because I asked you why there is a term called "Lesbians" if sexually performing with a women when you are a woman is "Okay"...You never dared to answer.

I really have no idea who chewbacca is, brother hahaha. I asked a question and I really need an answer. Also you mentioned that Africa is underdeveloped or something like that? I suggest you do more travelling and not only focus on the few poor countries. You also mentioned something about vampires which was completely wrong and out of topic. Vampire is a western pagan thing. And western people believed that killing children is a sacrifice to god so do not hate on the Africans here, buddy. Back to the topic. 2 facts:

-More Men, faaaar more men support moral relationships. which is why there are more heterosexuals than homosexuals.

-More women, faaaar more women support moral relationships which is why there are more heterosexuals than homsexuals.

So more men will not want to see two women kissing. The few majority will be here on the site because of hormones and lonliness or even influence. We can't argue with logic. And the logic here is that More men and women agree that homosexuality is a shit-show.

So you first stated that I am using the same situation for men as for women but here's the thing. If women were so different, why are so many more women cheating on men? Why are there "Lesbians"? You're not exactly thinking everything through here. If it was different for women in this topic then tell me why the term "Lesbian" exists and it's definition and what causes someone to be a "Lesbian".

I asked you a question and now since you are afraid, you're accusing Me of paedophilia hahahaha. Now since you answered that it's wrong...Why in hell does it make a man or woman who sexually performs with people of the same gender "straight"?

Wait, You're the same person who would say that a man who sexually performs with a child is still normal. So let me ask a person who sexually performs with a child still normal even if he isn't attracted to the child?

I don't have skype. Download discord and let me know unless you have other plans.

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Yes, 80% of men would not want to see homosexuality. It is a fact. We can desire many women...but that does not mean they should kiss. Only 7.1%+ of humans on earth are LGBTQ+. And let me explain this real quick. LGBTQ+ are homosexuals. Homosexuality is the attraction or sexual acts to persons of the same gender. So when two women are performing sexually, then they are lesbians. they are homosexuals. it is that simple.

and the whole homosexuality thing is of western culture. I visited across africa and a few other countries during my teen years and I found that africans are very much still cultured. they marry, there is about 2% of homosexuals in The whole of africa if im not wrong. Ghana banned homosexuality, Nigeria is very strict against homosexuality, Qatar banned homosexuality, Zimbabwe is strict against homosexuality. It's a lot of a list to put here And all these leaders Are Men which is why I want us to discuss on discord. And when you tell me that Sexual pleasure towards people of the same sex is not Homosexuality then I don't know what world you live in. It's not "Political" to say that homosexuality is LGBTQ+ because LGBTQ+ is a definition/description basically of homosexuality. It's a list of names. Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual, Transexual etc...Its NOT Political to say that performing sexually towards persons of the same gender are categorised into the LGBTQ+.

I'm working on a project and asked people on discord to help me with them so I wouldn't mind ideas. text me your discord if you have it and I'll let you in on the details.

"Reality of sex". That is very dumb. I don't normally argue or curse at people but we need to discuss this on discord if you have one. I really need to talk to you about it because there is a lot which the media hasn't told many people.

The problem is actually the way a man or woman is raised, Kelly. You can teach a man that LGBTQ+ is okay and he will grow up believing it. You can teach him it's wrong but influence will teach him otherwise so that's the case with a number of men. I can recommend a few games which are straight because I myself search often for them but they are certainly hard to find either because there is an NTR or cheating kink and it just makes the game bad. I do not masturbate to these games, I play them for the sake of a good story and Romance basically.  That's one reason I play AVNs. I also play for inspiration. But the whole LGBTQ+ in games became popular because of the "Influence" I mentioned earlier. I can help you though or we can work together.

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Zaron, do you recommend I extract third party Daz files into the DAZ Library directory or do I just leave it zipped? I had a problem where I installed some Seraphim wings for the genesis 8.1 male but when I opened it, it told me that there are files missing. What do I do, if you know?

see, friend when you begin talking about a "male-oriented" game, it defeats the whole argument because there are 80% of men like myself who do not tolerate the LGBTQ+ community. And seeing a woman performing with another woman is simply lesbian and without a doubt, disgusting if you look at it differently. I as a straight and normal man, I actually reject such acts because they are homosexual.  Unless if you support the LGBTQ+ community then that's fine. But if you don't support it but still watch Lesbian sex, then it's what we call "Hypocrisy".

If it was up to me as a developer, I would make all of this avoidable. That's even if I put the LGBTQ+ in the game, which is a 99.999% chance I will not.  So, yes it's not "male-oriented", it's simply LGBTQ+. 

tbh any man who watches lesbian porn is a cuckold. how can you possibly want to allow another woman to satisfy your girls for you?😂😂Imagine a girl leaving you for pussy...think about it. like your dick is nothing or she would rather have nothing than your dick😭Khulian, you did not read my last comment. I guess you do whatever you want but I'm out. 

What I expect to see in act III:

-More menu choices for dialogue. for example, you have been teased. I'm the dominant type of male so I would like to have more control over what the MC says instead of the "I.." or "What?" reactions which he seems to say 99.9% of the time. It's good character development but yeah...I would like to have choices on that please.

-Optional Lesbian scenes. I was at least glad you didn't add male scenes in there. I would've deleted the game right there and then. For example, Mida is a hot chick. But hearing that she likes women too is weird  for some of us. I can easily ignore/skip the scenes but it would be nice to have a complete choice over it.

-I liked what you did in act II in the end. Making the character at least start using his brains. I was getting annoyed by some of the dialogue...sorry.

-Boost the character's physical strength a bit. I was humiliated when I had to use a spell to win against Elisabeth. 

That's all really. The game is one of the best I've played. But not all games are perfect because making visual novels is mostly people bringing their own beliefs and imaginations to life. But at the same time you are expecting to gain support to earn a few bucks or overall just share your ideas and have other people enjoy your game. which now brings me to those Critiques I typed above. You made a very good game. But for me to criticise some of the errors or mistakes made in the game, it means you still need to win my and other people's votes. Again...I enjoyed your game but I didn't like some things which can easily be fixed through the simple menu choice. Goodluck!

I thought girls like that stuff. Cause I see literally almost EVERY visual novel has it. but if you don't like it then I recommend Nephilim. it's a nice vn.

So I'm guessing you dont have enough RAM and you are on limited data plan(no wifi)

I get it. But Ren'py games are not the issue. it's the renders(animations, pictures) and some audio can also get in the way if you have low RAM. so yeah, Ren'py is basically just the code which is usually barely 1mb. an then the renders, pictures, audio are the big stuff. those renders are made with different software like Daz studio or Honey select 2 or even blender.

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Good game! but I noticed something about almost every Visual Novel made with Honey Select renders. They all have these words:

"No, stop...what am I thinking?!"

"Oh my god, I am so fucked!"

"What am I supposed to do?!"

"Stop it, Stop it, Stop it"

they are all the same. And it gets old when I get the same reactions for the mc. My advice is to give a menu choice.


while the mc is looking at a naked girl or something...



                        mc thoughts"Interesting."

     "Not my type":

                       mc thoughts "Not my type."

and then the mc has a player-choice reaction. instead of the old "Oh my gosh" reactions. good game though. But remember to make a player choose his reactions so he/she can interact with the game the way they see fit.

good game. make lesbian content avoidable though. some of us dont like it, alright blud?

I see you're still a noob in Ren'py hahahahahaa! dont worry. take your time on the projects. make sure to add menu options too. If you are unfamiliar with those, Watch some youtube or go to the official renpy site. but yeah...dont rush your projects just for a quick buck. make people understand the work you are willing to put in.

mind i ask for some ID? you dont exactly sound mature tbh sorry😭ya'll just cant take criticism. But in the end...its all about building a bigger fanbase for yourself rather than just accepting the good reviews. all I ask from the dev is to give more freedom and you wont hear anyone else complain. thats all. a dom and a sub option and this game will be one of my favourites....SIMPLE! why are yall acting so cute?

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not to be rude but you are kinda dumb for not realising that i care about the developer of this game. clearly i want him to be better by making him listen to his critiques in order to get a bigger fan base. its not about not playing the game. its about supporting people who have a dream of becoming game developers. for example:

some people like gay sex scenes in games.

most people dont.

if the developer wanted to get a bigger fan base, he would obviously make both scenes but he would make the gay scenes avoidable in order to keep his fans happy...its not rocket science.

same goes for dialogue. choices are important. dialogue choices. making a player choose whether he wants to be dominated by a girl or not. those are important if you want a bigger fanbase. ITS A SIMPLE FUCKING CONCEPT! learn to accept critiques and BE BETTER!

OH MY GOD! man, i have to say you are incredibly good when it comes to story telling. No lesbian/gay/bisexual content, a Touching story, Beautiful characters especially the main character. I named him jacob because he looks like a jacob...handsome too. I like how you give the main character so many menu choices and freedom!!!! and i like how you put us in difficult situations like the choosing the better ability or girlfriend. I love the UI, i love the font, the atmosphere, the dialogue is so mature. main character is a pure alpha male who doesnt get surprised like an anime kid. I love that about him. Please keep the same theme of the game for the next updates. dont add LGBTQ content...i am begging you! This game is first in my top 3 favourite games. I love you, man!

let me play and come back with a review for the game.

great, thanks! I'll see if it works. and if you wanna work on something together then lemme know. It may be fun idk. 


did u use daz for this? im used to blender but i dont have a good pc anymore so i was wondering if daz is aight for 4gb RAM?

THANK YOU, DUDE!!! FINALLY SOMEONE WHO AGREES WITH ME. Developers don't understand that not everyone wants to see gay/lesbian content in games. I really hate it when i'm enjoying a game and then all of a sudden i'm forced to see gay's frustrating.

I can feel your anger Hahahahahaha!

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A legend made this game. No homo, A Lot of choices! Sexy character models and just overall a good atmosphere in the game. please keep the same energy on the next update. No homo please. but if you wanna add that then make it optional.

Damn...😂😂If that's what you like then it's fine. But I'm a dominant man, not a submissive man. and there are more dominant men than submissive men so the developer has to give options. which is what i'm doing with my game. it's a lot of work but it's fair at least.

Not exactly "Harsh". Problem here is that I am a dominant male. Being dominated makes me feel weird most of the time. there are times where I can submit but seriously...Watching my ass get whooped by a female is NOT hot for me sorry😭And the main character here doesnt have brains. have you played desert stalker?

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whatever floats your boat, beta boy. I personally hate that shit. The problem with people like you is you grew up watching too much porn. But errr it if you want. I was just telling the developer what I don't like. and if he is clever, he will listen to his critiques.

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main character knows damn well that yuna can read minds but gets surprised when he thinks while shes around. its kind of annoying you know? at least give the Main Character some brains and not get surprised by the most obvious things. im developing a game of my own. i want to show you guys what a visual novel should be like. i also noticed how you are a fan of female dominance...i wont judge you but damn it feels weird in most situations.

YESSSSS!!!! when i play games that require the main character to go on some mission, i prefer to be alone without dragging anyone i know into it. ripples did the same thing by dragging Darci to go back to the past with you and that was a complete shit move. this is why i like Desert stalker. the game is a one man mission based game and thats what i prefer

hey. honestly, i hate the fact that whenever im enjoying a visual novel and then suddenly theres some lesbian or gay thing that happens without my approval. its like EVERY SINGLE visual novel has to have gay characters. its so annoying, man. reminds me of when i was playing Leap Of Faith and then Kira kissed Cece. some of us are not into that shit, dude. it actually turns me off completely on the story because im forced to see it. i deleted this game but i did enjoy the rest of the story. finding good visual novels is hard these days. cause every developer seems to have the same mindset. except like 3 developers i know who kept things normal. and Cathy looks like Holly from Leap Of! usually i replay and speedrun a game i love but because of the reason stated above...i wont replay this one. 5/10 for me.

good game! but a few mess ups here and there. what i like in a game is the ability to keep a secret and not keep a secret. for example, the power plant. i prefer one man missions in visual novels. desert stalker does that very well. bro was spilling secrets like crazy to darci. 

but good game!