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(1 edit) (-20)

main character knows damn well that yuna can read minds but gets surprised when he thinks while shes around. its kind of annoying you know? at least give the Main Character some brains and not get surprised by the most obvious things. im developing a game of my own. i want to show you guys what a visual novel should be like. i also noticed how you are a fan of female dominance...i wont judge you but damn it feels weird in most situations.


Woah, kind of harsh dontcha think? Everyone is free to have their own opinions on the game, but you should consider the game's highlights if you want to make one yourself.


Not exactly "Harsh". Problem here is that I am a dominant male. Being dominated makes me feel weird most of the time. there are times where I can submit but seriously...Watching my ass get whooped by a female is NOT hot for me sorry😭And the main character here doesnt have brains. have you played desert stalker?


Then don't play it, It's not rocket science

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not to be rude but you are kinda dumb for not realising that i care about the developer of this game. clearly i want him to be better by making him listen to his critiques in order to get a bigger fan base. its not about not playing the game. its about supporting people who have a dream of becoming game developers. for example:

some people like gay sex scenes in games.

most people dont.

if the developer wanted to get a bigger fan base, he would obviously make both scenes but he would make the gay scenes avoidable in order to keep his fans happy...its not rocket science.

same goes for dialogue. choices are important. dialogue choices. making a player choose whether he wants to be dominated by a girl or not. those are important if you want a bigger fanbase. ITS A SIMPLE FUCKING CONCEPT! learn to accept critiques and BE BETTER!


"grrr someone unaffiliated with the dev critiqued my critique so i'm gonna sit and rage at the dev that hasn't even responded because i'm better than all of you"


mind i ask for some ID? you dont exactly sound mature tbh sorry😭ya'll just cant take criticism. But in the end...its all about building a bigger fanbase for yourself rather than just accepting the good reviews. all I ask from the dev is to give more freedom and you wont hear anyone else complain. thats all. a dom and a sub option and this game will be one of my favourites....SIMPLE! why are yall acting so cute?


"Can't take criticism," You are currently failing to do so yourself. 


So you are complaining because a game that wasn't even made for people like you doesn't align with your kinks? Bro, Kindly shut the fuck up and play something else.


you need to seek some help.




im kinda into the female dominance thing its hot asf


Damn...😂😂If that's what you like then it's fine. But I'm a dominant man, not a submissive man. and there are more dominant men than submissive men so the developer has to give options. which is what i'm doing with my game. it's a lot of work but it's fair at least.


then go play something else

they developer does not have to give a fuckin thing. For a dominant man you sure bitch a lot.