cool concept BUT:
- slide is kinda OP, u can spam it and be almost invincible with that speed
- too low TTK, sometimes u cant even tell what happened. try x2 HP, i'm certain it will be less frustrating and more interesting to battle without all that back-rat-kills. imo movement games must be skill-based and less luck-based, so high TTK is more suitable.
- add shot tracers it will be much much much better for battle awareness, to see current situation of enemy locations more clearly
- grapple is so useless it does nothing and literally kills you slowing you down, u cant climb on tall structures or gain speed (only if grapple enemy but its very rare)
- pickups are not so visible in such colorful environment, try add a big glowing or pulsation to them
- camera jiggles on weapon swap
- more verticality and floorness in maps is desirable too utilize all that movement
- make hit-cross-ui red so its more visible. ability ui is not so visible too, make it bigger and different colors for used and ready to use ability
- add step and ability sounds
ive been waiting for such movement fun game for a long time so i hope you will balance it to make gameplay fluid