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Hey, I haven't been in since Demoday 45, apparently. I've been posting less but I've been busy all the same. I opened a Patreon since last demoday so sorry about the patreon shilling in the game, I gotta eat somehow.

There's (more) actual adult material so don't stream it, it's not worth the risk.

Last time I was in I got a lot of harsh feedback about problems that had been mounting because I kept adding new mechanics instead of finishing and explaining existing content, plus the lack of tutorial or explanation for mechanics. Not all of the mechanics are truly explained but it's getting there now, I can almost add new monster-girls for the first time in forever. I hope those who found problems will find it's better now.


>so sorry about the patreon shilling in the game, I gotta eat somehow.

There is no shame in it. The game is free.