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A member registered Mar 31, 2023 · View creator page →

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I forgot to upload damn it. I couldn't finish the shipbuilder before DD ended. I managed to post the shipbuilder in the threads if you've seen it. I'll have something new added next DD. I've decided I like the project enough to see where I can take it next DD. 

>Rotation of Ship seems to not be in it's Center.
True, I didn't notice this. The ship exists in a 3D array whose origin corresponds to the array's middle entries. The generated ship is not centered in this array. I'm unsure what to do about this because determining the center with an algorithm might be unintuitive for the player if a ship is asymmetric. I was also thinking maybe a special ship part or marker that the player supplies in the shipbuilder can act as the origin. 

>You get some Gaps and z-fighting between the Cubes making up the Ship.

I didn't see the gaps, I'll look for them. z-fighting sounds highly plausible. I just have an array of cubes.

>Unless I'm incredibly fast or too dumb to fly, the Cube disappears once behind the Camera and doesn't reappear.

I haven't faced this problem (the printed camera coordinates help out) but I think the turning. throttle, etc need to be finely adjusted.  I will also check the current version to make sure this isn't happening. I plan on having a little menu in the bottom corner with a list of nearby objects. The idea will be to path to them when you click them. Camera zoom would also be helpful, as it is very easy to get lost.

I want the manual ship flying to be solid and usable, but ideally, the gameplay will mostly consist of clicking on an object in 3D space or its listing in a menu and the ship should be able to path to it, orbit it, etc.

Thanks for the input Tomo!! I greatly appreciate it!!

(1 edit)

>You can move your Space Ship around, I got immediately lost

I've heard this problem. I made the throttle too high. You have to type it pretty lightly or you get slingshotted into space without your bearings. I'll change this today.

>Skybox seems not to move, but maybe it's just too far away.

A skybox is only supposed to move when you rotate, correct? I see it moving when I press the rotation keys. I just checked again before typing this out. But maybe I'm misunderstanding something.

>It also doesn't wrap properly

I made the asset myself and I honestly don't know how to do this in an image editor. It's actually a placeholder because I am going to make a procedural skybox at some point using projection math.  

>I don't want this to sound Rude, but I don't really know why this is in DD, if this is supposed to be going somewhere, maybe next DD would've been a better Date

I don't find the comment rude. I do plan on adding more before the deadline. I have some code I'm reusing from other projects. I was trying to challenge myself and see how much I could get done before DD ends. I uploaded it early (as stated in my first post) because I was busy yesterday and wasn't sure how busy I'd be today at the time and I didn't know how much I could add or if I would be near a computer when DD ended. I wanted it to be uploaded here just in case. I felt if I didn't upload anything after saying I would it would be a personal failure and dishonest. I kind of also overestimated what I could do in a short period of time. But I still have over 24 hours and nothing to do today so I want to see how much more I can do before DD ends.

I was working on a pathing system 

>If this is not supposed to be going anywhere and you just wanted to try Raylib/WASM, that's nice, but doesn't mean it should be in DD. 

I disagree but I appreciate the response.

>Sorry if this came off wrong.

It didn't. It is better to have something a bit more complete so the people playing don't feel like they are wasting their time. I tried to make a web version because I didn't want people to worry about downloading until it was more complete.

Still have more I can do but here is an update. Added skybox. Not seamless because that would be a lot of work. Skybox is a placeholder for something procedural.

Thanks.  I didn't want to mess with a windows build but with raylib it might not be so bad.

(3 edits)

I have some code written up for tomorrow but it needs ironing out. Just in case I'm busy I'm putting it up now. I'd wait until submissions close before trying it out, I only started on this project a few days ago XD. ( Ithink it was this past Tuesday kek.)

Check game page for controls. You can play in browser or download on GNU/Linux.

Try rolling  90 degrees  by holding 'E',  press 'W' lightly to throttle, and then hold 'A' to orbit around the yellow cube.

The password is 'cris'

It's a cute game. I agree with Federx; I enjoy the small scope of the game. If I were to make a change, I'd add a retry screen. The intro is good, but I don't think it needs to be played after every game over.

I'm curious. Why is the GNU/Linux version almost twice as large in size as the Windows version? It was too sluggish for me play. That's a problem on my end though.

I'm on Arch Linux. Game didn't go past Godot splash screen. I don't see any error messages.

Since you made the game in Godot, I would suggest a GNU/Linux build. I tried with wine but could not play. Best wishes, Frosch

Similiar error with Maxxy boy's game

ERROR: Condition "err != VK_SUCCESS" is true. Returning: FAILED    at: fence_wait (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_driver_vulkan.cpp:2066) 
ERROR: Condition "err != VK_SUCCESS" is true. Returning: FAILED    at: command_queue_execute_and_present (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_driver_vulkan.cpp:2266) 
ERROR: Condition "err != VK_SUCCESS" is true. Returning: FAILED    at: command_queue_execute_and_present (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_driver_vulkan.cpp:2266)
 ERROR: Condition "err != VK_SUCCESS" is true. Returning: FAILED    at: fence_wait (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_driver_vulkan.cpp:2066) 
ERROR: Condition "err != VK_SUCCESS" is true. Returning: FAILED    at: command_queue_execute_and_present (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_driver_vulkan.cpp:2266) 
ERROR: Condition "err != VK_SUCCESS" is true. Returning: FAILED    at: command_queue_execute_and_present (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_driver_vulkan.cpp:2266) 
ERROR: Condition "err != VK_SUCCESS" is true. Returning: FAILED    at: fence_wait (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_driver_vulkan.cpp:2066) 
ERROR: Condition "err != VK_SUCCESS" is true. Returning: FAILED    at: command_queue_execute_and_present (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_driver_vulkan.cpp:2266) 
ERROR: Condition "err != VK_SUCCESS" is true. Returning: FAILED    at: command_queue_execute_and_present (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_driver_vulkan.cpp:2266) 
ERROR: Condition "err != VK_SUCCESS" is true. Returning: FAILED    at: fence_wait (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_driver_vulkan.cpp:2066)

I'll try to repeat what others are saying too much unless I feel it needs to be mentioned

- The lighting needs work. For example, the main protagonist is covered in specular lighting and this lighting doesn't seem to vary between the metal in his clothes and his scaling skin. I think you would benefit from studying lighting/shading models. In particular, a good understanding of Blinn-Phong and the Lambertian diffuse. 

- Sound is a mixed bag. I dislike some choices and like some others. The ambient music and atmosphere of the title screen are fine. 

- The settings menu is nonintuitive, you should organize the settings into two columns. One column could describe the settings and the other column can be where you actually toggle the settings

-A menu that shows the different controls could be cool

-I'd add more checkpoints since covering the distance of the map takes time.

-Maybe increase the walking speed. The run speed is fine. 

-I had real difficulty with the combat sometimes where hits wouldn't register. It goes the other way around too: some hits felt like they shouldn't have made contact but they did.

I got it to open on GNU/Linux by renaming the folders as suggested. Unfortunately my mouse could click anything on the title screen.

I had to change it to Data not data (case sensitive, and it seems to open now). Thanks for the catch!!

I got this error on Linux

ERROR: Condition "err != VK_SUCCESS" is true. Returning: FAILED    at: command_queue_execute_and_present (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_driver_vulkan.cpp:2266) 
ERROR: Condition "err != VK_SUCCESS" is true. Returning: FAILED    at: command_queue_execute_and_present (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_driver_vulkan.cpp:2266) 
ERROR: Condition "err != VK_SUCCESS" is true. Returning: FAILED    at: fence_wait (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_driver_vulkan.cpp:2066) 
ERROR: Condition "err != VK_SUCCESS" is true. Returning: FAILED    at: command_queue_execute_and_present (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_driver_vulkan.cpp:2266) 
ERROR: Condition "err != VK_SUCCESS" is true. Returning: FAILED    at: command_queue_execute_and_present (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_driver_vulkan.cpp:2266) 
ERROR: Condition "err != VK_SUCCESS" is true. Returning: FAILED    at: fence_wait (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_driver_vulkan.cpp:2066) 
ERROR: Condition "err != VK_SUCCESS" is true. Returning: FAILED    at: command_queue_execute_and_present (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_driver_vulkan.cpp:2266) 
ERROR: Condition "err != VK_SUCCESS" is true. Returning: FAILED    at: command_queue_execute_and_present (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_driver_vulkan.cpp:2266) 
ERROR: Condition "err != VK_SUCCESS" is true. Returning: FAILED    at: fence_wait (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_driver_vulkan.cpp:2066)

 Anyway, seems like Godon't is having some serious problems with Vulkan. There is some kind of problem presenting to the swapchain is my best guess. I actually remember, in the thread someone had different errors with Godot  using Vulkan. But I think there problem was with resizing the swapchain.

There wasn't much there but I can understand wanting others to see the concepts you are playing with. I like the presentation style of cardboard cutouts in a 3D world. One thing to mention is that if you need to improve the grammar, I'd run it through a free tool. 

Harassing devs about linux builds for all 3 people who use them is why I was put on this Earth.

Kawai desu

I was using Wine on Arch Linux so this might vary quite a bit from the typical Windows experience. It felt a bit glitchy overall. But that's Godot in 3d for you.  The design. color and animations are all on point.  It may behoove you to export the project to other operating systems other than Windows since Godot has that built in. Thanks for sharing your demo!!

Alright good to know. Looks like I was pushing my PC out of its comfort zone.

(1 edit)

OS: Arch Linux

cpu: Intel i5-1035G1 (8) @ 3.600GHz

gpu: Intel Iris Plus Graphics G1

I like the premise of the game. It seems buggy and choppy though. Key presses would register 2 or 3 times. A slight movement in the mouse wheel would cause indefinite scrolling. It seems like time passes in the game world while you are negotiating with customers. I would remove that. 

I look forward to further developments from you. You are doing a good job! :D

I don't know how to respond with useful feedback. I'm terrible at bullet hell games.  I will say it ran without issue on my Arch Linux system. 

I can tell you can take this seriously. The extensive manual is a relic from a more civilized age. I look forward to seeing how your game develops and expands going forward.

oh sorry about that

password is 


(1 edit)

OS: Arch Linux x86_64

CPU: Intel i5-1035G1 (8) @ 3.600GHz

GPU: Intel Iris Plus Graphics G1

I'll try again tomorrow and try to give you some more details. I tried it out with a GameCube-type controller.

I didn't get past the start-up dialogue. My input wasn't registering properly so after a few minutes I quit. 

Great presentation. I had stutter and lag issues on my Linux craptop.

It crashed a few times on native GNU/Linux. 

Here are some error messages I had when the game didn't crash

Failed to open saves directory
WARNING: Custom solver bias for shapes is not supported by Godot Jolt. Any such value will be ignored. This shape belongs to '<unknown>' and 0 other object(s).
     at: set_solver_bias (src/shapes/jolt_shape_impl_3d.cpp:45)
WARNING: res://scripts/controllerhint.tscn:3 - ext_resource, invalid UID: uid://c0c5562105evj - using text path instead: res://sprites/controls_sheets/xbox/joypad_button_1.png
     at: load (scene/resources/resource_format_text.cpp:451)
not trespassing
WARNING: 3 RIDs in Godot Jolt were found to not have been freed. This is likely caused by orphaned nodes. If not, consider reporting this issue.
     at: ~RID_PtrOwner (src/containers/rid_owner.hpp:20)
ERROR: Pages in use exist at exit in PagedAllocator: 6Thread
   at: ~PagedAllocator (./core/templates/paged_allocator.h:170)
ERROR: Pages in use exist at exit in PagedAllocator: N16WorkerThreadPool4TaskE
   at: ~PagedAllocator (./core/templates/paged_allocator.h:170)
WARNING: ObjectDB instances leaked at exit (run with --verbose for details).
     at: cleanup (core/object/object.cpp:2209)
ERROR: Resources still in use at exit (run with --verbose for details).
   at: clear (core/io/resource.cpp:492)

It detected my game controller but it was dropping my inputs like crazy.

Spent 15 minutes and I got past the log

jump / 10

One bug I saw was that you can get Ms, jump woman to levitate near the edge of platforms.

(1 edit)
config file exists
Wizard1 remaining cost is: 1
Wizard2 remaining cost is: 2
Wizard3 remaining cost is: 3
Wizard4 remaining cost is: 4
adventure started for the first time, playing intro
ERROR: Attempt to disconnect a nonexistent connection from 'Skeleton3D:<Skeleton3D#124201734048>'. Signal: 'bone_pose_changed', callable: ''.
   at: _disconnect (core/object/object.cpp:1420)
gave player backpack
Xlib: sequence lost (0x150a9 > 0x50aa) in reply type 0x2!
[xcb] Unknown request in queue while dequeuing
[xcb] You called XInitThreads, this is not your fault
[xcb] Aborting, sorry about that.
nolgorb.x86_64: xcb_io.c:175: dequeue_pending_request: Assertion `!xcb_xlib_unknown_req_in_deq' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)

Problem with xcb. I enjoyed what I was able to play though. Keep up the great work. The character animation was a lot of fun! I liked how the screen didn't have any UI clutter so you could experience the look and atmosphere of the game.

Sorry it really isn't much at all. But I said I would submit something.  But maybe someone will have fun with the fact that you have so much access to the game via the command line.

Password to access is 


Couldn't run it. Crashed on native Linux and crashed with wine on Linux.  I did enjoy the title screen though :D.  Even though I didn't play it, some of key bindings seem odd.

I think I figured out the issue; tested on wine just in case. It was not an issue with the program but the description on the main page. The command is 'Util.doscript;, not just 'doscript'. I've fixed it.

I keep having problems with Windows. Apparently, only some people (or maybe most) are having issues with Windows though during the demo day build. But some of those issues should have been fixed for this progress day build.  Can you share what the error is / what happened?

>As it is, it would be cool to have vsync on and key repeat.

Okay, I'll add that to my list. Thanks a bunch!