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i played through OBF while looking at the long notes i took from last playthrough. i'll try and compare my current experience with these notes both to point out what improvements are made and to know what not to bring up again.

back then, i mentioned that the camera was fighting against me while playing, which made the game awkward and weird to control. i did not have this issue this time at all. i was able to orient myself and aim properly without hassle. i think this change alone increased my fun factor by a large amount, since i could focus on playing the game instead of trying to figure out optimal movements. i sincerely can't tell what's changed (if anything?), perhaps i simply got used to how your game controls? no idea, either way the outcome is that i've had fun playing. 

most of my current feedback is not very significant, but i consider them small changes with large consequences so i'll list them anyway

>enemies run away in fear often. this is fun, but the map design doesn't lend itself to this. for example, an enemy approaches myself and the orb. i walk up, they run away in fear. my instinct tells me to chase them. woops, wrong move! enemy #2 snuck up on the orb, -1 life. ok so, same encounter, enemy runs away. i don't chase this time, and stand my ground. enemy then re-approaches, but then runs away in fear again! the issue here is that this ends up being unintentional player-baiting, which is tricky in a protect-the-location type of game. you could still use this mechanic, but it would make more sense if it was player controlled (player uses ability, enemies run away? or player kills big enemy, all small enemies run away, etc). with how unpredictable the current effect is, it feels more liker a nuisance.

>enemy attack prediction is really cool. if i walk up to an enemy, before i am in attack range (or so i think?) an enemy charges up an attack so that it reaches me as soon as i get closer. i think stuff like that is great and makes the enemies feel really smart. i don't know if this is some behavior i'm misinterpreting but you should expand this, it's a lot of fun even when i get punished for not reacting to it.

>enemies can chain attacks to your death. this is noticeable if a big enemy slaps you down, they'll just combo you as you're on the ground until you die.

>dying then resetting doesn't reset your animation until you regain control of your character. breaks immersion a bit

>eyes indicating next action. this is cool, but could be expanded. perhaps once the enemies have walking animations and so on, their posture/stance can also indicate their next intended moves?

>distant enemies don't render, but their eye particles are still glowing. meaning i see floating eyes that become enemies later on. 

as stated, keep up the good work. i know you were quite busy with the collage, and i'm eager to see what else you'll add for next DD now that you don't need to make 90 drawings again.


Thanks for playing! Glad to hear my hard work's paying off :)

The camera has indeed been reined in. Literally! It used to be very loosely tethered to its target (inspired by arcade beat-em-up side scrollers), but now it defaults to a new "tight camera" mode where its max horizontal tether distance is zero. Good to know it had the intended effect.

Running away needs to be less random, yeah. Right now it's literally a random check if an enemy tries to defend or attack when the player gets too close (with some limitations on how many enemies can attack at once), but something more predictable would definitely be better.

I'm really happy you noticed the attack prediction. It was a lot of work to set up, and yeah, it works exactly like you think. You can even bait out attacks when you're out of range by walking towards an enemy and stopping.

Regarding getting chained to death, do you mean it's impossible to dodge or block their follow up? Enemies are meant to stay on the offensive if they manage to get a hit in, but I'll admit the ground dodging is still pretty jank.

Posture and stance helping to predict would be cool, but I'm a pretty terrible animator so I'm scared to promise anything in that regard right now. I'll see what I can figure out.

I'll take a look at the bugs.
