ahoy and well met orbdev
i Plundered through Plunderground (no longer a Hero!) until i was stopped by some nasty bugs
i believe i can pinpoint the cause of these issues, but i'll leave that to you and instead i'll describe my journey
started off with a new character, Warrior as always. level 1 was a breeze because as it turns out, the shopkeepers take IOUs. i can buy everything and my gold will simply turn negative
very kind of them
i bought out what i thought was the best gear and a bunch of potions. onto level 2.
turns out i suck, and i died at level 2 to a named Spiker goblin. oops. except there's no game over screen - my character (and his lightsource) disappear and that's it. i manually restarted and loaded my character. this is where the troubles began.
back to level 1, no issues. i clear it and find an exit. now at level 2, the ground looks different? i thought this was probably randomized, except the enemies are now called Impalers and they look different? not only that, but they're much tougher. i thought this was probably a case of incorrect levels being loaded. i manage to clear this harder level and move on to level 3. except now in level 3, the enemies are simple goblins again? it's a cakewalk. I find the waypoint, clear the map, then find the exit. except clicking the go-deeper object freezes my movement and doesn't take me down! in fact, i can't do anything until i switch tabs. switching browser tabs, for whatever reason, unfreezes me and allows me to move again. except i still can't Go Deeper. this is as far as i can go, and according to the waypoint and townsfolk, there is still more to explore.
well, since i have a waypoint, i'll restart and use that to go back to level 3. i do, it works! the enemies are correct too, they're impalers! nice
well, unfortunately that wasn't enough, since even after finding a new Go-Deeper entrance, i still freeze and cannot actually go down to the next level. it's quite unfortunate, but i had a lot of fun playing regardless of any issues. sadly i didn't find any unique items, and for some reason all Big Clubs give +14 Mana (which i don't use), but i was able to club my way down as far as i could go.
there are some other minor issues, like ESC not pausing, ESC not clearing the currently opened menu (inventory, spells, etc) but those are all unimportant and can be implemented later. i hope to be able to play through this again soon, because i'm still curious about the unique items and this nasty boss the townsfolk talk about