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Changes since last dd are mainly visual. Current goal is to get the game to not look like shovelware. Any and all feedback is appreciated.

Changes Include:

- Added ball and line color customization, (In Gameplay menu)

- Updated backgrounds in Sectors 1, 2 and 3.

- Sector 1 has a new background.

- Sector 2 has interactive pyramids, ground texture, and background.

- Sector 3 has moving cars and a blimp. Cars also have an event attached, activate by pressing "k". This will be changed to be caused by random chance in the future. (Takes a few seconds to activate, pay attention to right side of the road)

- Lock buttons now have a texture.

- Activating the speedpad now has a sound effect and visual effect.

- Cycled levels. Levels for Sector 2~4 are different than in Demo 4.

- Updated lighting.