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Enjoyed playing this very much! I played one game in two sittings, tho it could have been very easily finished in one. Generating/exploring systems was very quick after getting the hang of it with the first two. The message interpretation i ended up with gave me some space horror vibes (in a good way)!

The only fuel star i ended up with was the very first one, so i ended up jumping back and forth btwn that central system and all others to refuel. It was fortunate that the system also had a human habitation so i could get that extra d4 of fuel so i was at least able to do round trips, until the very last system, where I decided to allow Kelvin one last desperate jump, without guaranteed fuel for a return trip. Alas, the system had no fuel star, but it was a great conclusion!

I had a question on Decryption though. “Roll until the target is too high to be hit or you fail a d6 roll.” i thought this implied that the game ends once you fail a d6 decryption roll, but the Game ending conditions don’t include it. Since i had only one more system to explore, i just continued anyway. Could you clarify?

This is a quick and enjoyable game. Easy to pickup and play. I used the included hex map but you could easily use any blank hex grid you’d like, or even just blank paper that notes the hex/jump distance between the two systems. Definitely worth a download!!

Thank you for the kind words! Re: your question, the game does not end when you fail a roll. Only that attempt at decryption ends. You get to explore multiple systems and decode multiple beacons. I hope that helps!