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This was one of the games I've checked out in previous DDs and was curious to see how it developed. Nice to see that enemies use projectiles instead of hitscan, and have their painstates now implemented as well considering most of them use guns, it makes them a lot more manageable. Only beaten the first level so far, so these are more like first impressions (will go back to check out level 2 later) but there are four things that jumped out to me so far:

- Only had enemies drop ammo fairly rarely and only specific enemies. If pistolers and shotgunners could drop their respective ammo as well (and generally more consistently) I think it would help a lot with the resource issues of running out of ammo mid-level with no pickups left.

- Melee enemies are still a bit brainless as they just charge straight at you. If you look back at Doom, you might notice how Pinkies keep zigzagging in front of the player a lot of the time: granted, this was because of the way their pathfinding was implemented, but in my opinion it made it so that they're a bit more difficult to hit and avoiding them is a matter of movement instead of purely just speed. I assume you're using Unity's native NavMesh Agent, so it could be a bit tricky to implement a similar behavior (I'm still polishing it myself), but I think would make the fights against them a lot more fun.

- Not sure how I feel about the shotgun using two shells per shot. I mean I get it, it's a double barrel, but since that's the only way to spend shotgun shells, it feels redundant and even a bit confusing when you check your ammo in a quick glance. Compare it to doom where apart from the Super Shotgun you still have the regular Shotgun, or Blood where you still shoot one barrel at a time (with both barrel shot as alt-fire).

- This might be already planned, but auto-switching to a gun that you have ammo for when you try to fire a gun that you're empty with would be a nice QoL change.

Still, good improvement so far compared to the previous versions I've played. Keep up the good work!


Got around to beating level two. In general I liked the level design (arcade in level 1 is a nice touch), but the second level is definitely seems to be more fleshed out (no pun intended). The meathook in the beginning was neat little detail, the environmental hazards are shown well with the dead enemies, and the small touches around (like the toilet as the office chair) were charming. The only issues I found is that there's a weird lightmap pixelation in one of the upper corners at the secret room where you find the machine gun in level 1, and the moving sawblade that's on the table on level 2 can only be seen from one side.

I generally had less issue with ammo resource on the second level too, not sure if it's due to starting with more weapons or pickups being more generous in general. And if I can offer you a tip: to deal with the screen shaking in the elevator, you can try parenting the player temporarily under the elevator (or manipulating it's velocityto match the elevator's).