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Dude, this is your first jam game? I see great things in your future! Like, you DO have some coding background right?

As I was playing this game, my wife came by, noticed it, and after I explained the premise she said she liked it, and it makes her laugh. So yeah. High praise from both of us.

Some additional stuff:

I'd like to have more "street" in this game. Would be cool if you had some slightly more detailed ground during the gameplay.

I had to reset the game twice, before upgrades worked. The upgrade buttons didn't register clicks until the third time (I played on web build btw). 

(2 edits)

Thank you so much for your words never expected to get this kind of feedback, and yes I have worked on web development for 4 years now

I’m really glad to hear that the game is making people laugh, always what I wanted to aim at

I agree with the details on the tilemap, unfortunately it was because of time constraints, but lesson learned!

I have been alarmed of that issue, its a shame I can’t upload fixes while the jam is going on, but will try to get that fix and upload it when the jam ends, could you share with me your specs? I have a theory but need to confirm first

And again, thank you so much for the comment and the input 🙏


Windows 10, on chrome, i5-4670, with 16GB ram, and GTX1070.