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hey hey! just a suggestion, maybe there could be an option in settings where you could turn off/on that medicine cats could get a mate, I have been playing clangen for a while now and sometimes when I skip a moon one of my medicine cats has got a mate, and in my opinion it's kind of irritating, because medicine cats aren't allowed to have mates. thank you for reading this! I really love the game btw! <3




Lmao in both of my saves I gave my medicine cat a mate.  Both of which are gay relationships, the first save with one of the other meds of my clan, the other w/ the clan leader. The first one has a ton of kits, and the one on my newer save is one newborn kit (that looks like a rat).


Yeah, that would make it more accurate to the game, but right now I don't really mind it. Also does anyone know how the settings work in the settings menu? Like, when I create a clan, will that clan save the settings and no matter if I change the settings or not the settings will stay the same as when I created the clan or will the settings in the clan change?

For example, if I make a clan with Mass Extinction events off and after a couple moons I turn Mass Extinction events on, will Mass Extinction events now be on since I turned them on or will they stay off because the setting was off when I created the clan?

It will turn on if you do that. If you make a clan and change your settings the clan will be automatically set to those same settings as you are changing your specific settings and not the first setting you choose for the clan