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Probably one of the most unique mechanics I've seen in a while, and the presentation is excellent as well. The game has a lot of easy to read, yet stylish choices like the armor breaking away as you lose health or the way flying enemies spin out and explode. Aiming and shooting feel nice, though I will admit I'm terrible at this and sidescrollers in general (a unique mechanic is one hell of a hook) so take the following with a grain of salt. 

I gave up on parrying halfway through my second run because I could only get it work work without getting chipped about 30% of the time. If there are controls listed anywhere other than ASD, LMB, and Space I never found them. I pressed every sensible key I could to varying results. Sometimes I could perform a spinning dive but I don't know how. 

Total Playtime: 1ish hour. The Void Lord ate more lead than I could carry and wanted more.

You got the controls right. The only trick to parrying is holding direction away from the object you are deflecting, and it won't work on objects directly below you. It has a lot of range (scales with speed too), and the timing has so much input buffer that you can spam both directions.

If by dive you mean the bullet form, it works with any momentum, but shooting up will trigger it really quickly - good for escape, ruining your progress and bullying the boss.

Holy cow, that's a lot of playtime considering how short this game is. Must have been several levels full of brass. Thanks for playing!