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It's been a while since I saw this game, I remember when it was just a lil combat prototype whippersnapper.

My initial feedback is the same I give to lots of devs in DD, I get so tired going through tutorials that show me every feature of the game. I can't fit it all into my brain in one tutorial sitting, I prefer to be shown one feature, try it in a real level, shown another one, add that one to the gameplay experience... so on. Rather than a big dump at once where I don't really get it.

I played the android build because I assume it's not as tested so maybe my feedback there will be valuable. Overall the touch controls felt good, I could drag around and do what I wanted. The main issues were UI. Text hard to read, text not fitting on screen and ending with a "...". The "^" "v" and "X" buttons up top for dialog look odd when they're half hidden. I think you should find a better way to put them up there besides only showing half the button. Oh actually the biggest issue was battery drain. I think your game was draining the hell out of my battery, you might want to take a look.

The music at the home base.. I think you need to take another pass at that melody. Rest of the music was fine.

I got stuck at the shrine in mission 1-3. I have to do something with the lamb monsters?

Overall it's cool to see that this game turned into a full experience. Art is good, dialogue is good, combat is good!

What's your device's resolution? If it's very small then I can understand it might be an issue, there's a minimum resolution after which it really causes problems. Battery drain is something I hadn't considered, it's a full PC game crammed onto mobile so I can understand it must have a lot more processing going on than a standard mobile game, I suppose there's not a lot I can do about that besides optimize.

Basically all the levels (including the one with the shrine) are tutorial levels, it's just that the first two levels are the only ones that admit to it. In any case, there's still a lot to be improved. I could leave certain mechanics (damage types, blocking) for later and I'd really like to make Voice talk less and have more infographics to show how turn order or the skills work.

In my head, all the music is likely slightly off. I have next to no experience, I'm surprised it's mostly okay and the home theme that got you but it is a bit more aggressive. There's still a few pieces you wouldn't have seen. I'll take a look at it sometime, though, people are going to hear it a lot.

... And the shrine is a bit janky because it involves talking to characters to progress the quest. I've had a couple of people not quite get it (especially because the fox technically IS an enemy).

Thanks for playing! Don't worry too much about what's after the Shrine unless you're looking for 'content'. After 0-3 there isn't anything new gameplay-wise.


I've got a Pixel 4a

Definitely not size then, I just realized what you meant, it's the alert messages on the top.

I need to do a much better job of explaining the event log at the top, you can drag it down to see recent messages and larger messages like that, though it should continue messages with "..." anyway. It's a bit awkward. I agree the ^ v x buttons are a bit odd too, maybe I'll have them stay fully on screen.