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I like the art. I haven't gotten very far yet, but my biggest complaints are

1. The screen can feel really cluttered. Especially with dialogue.

2. Controls feel a bit weird and non-intuitive. But once again I haven't played a whole bunch so it might just be something I need to get used to.

3. Game crashes when I try to quit. I also answered 'no' to the 18+ question out of curiosity and that crashed it too. The platform is Arch Linux. I understand that this might be a problem only I'm facing, so I don't consider it a big deal.

The movement system feels like something new. I think it helps the game stand out. But the sort of drag-and-click nature seems like it is suited more to touch screens and tablets than my mouse and keyboard.  So maybe I should play on a phone or something to get a full experience.  

Hey, thanks for trying it out.

Crashed as in, it generated an error or froze? Since both ways of closing the game use the same OS command to close the game I'll have to check if there's a more linux-friendly method.

I get a lot of people saying that you get used to the controls over time but I'm still doing my best to improve them when I can think of something. I tried having it where you didn't drag and drop abilities but clicked them then clicked elsewhere and it didn't feel very good. It's not well explained either but there's a few different ways to drag abilities (pitons/sweep have variable ranges depending on how far you drag, dagger hits in 8 directions, scimitar hits in 4 directions, axe in 2, buckler in 1, I wonder if people are fine with sussing that out themselves or if I should work on the UI for that.  UI design remains my archnemesis.


It froze. This is the list of X functions my dwm window manager uses to close a session.

void killclient(const Arg *arg) { 	if (!selmon->sel) 		return; 	if (!sendevent(selmon->sel, wmatom[WMDelete])) { 		XGrabServer(dpy); 		XSetErrorHandler(xerrordummy); 		XSetCloseDownMode(dpy, DestroyAll); 		XKillClient(dpy, selmon->sel->win); 		XSync(dpy, False); 		XSetErrorHandler(xerror); 		XUngrabServer(dpy); 	} }

So something weird is happening there.  

>I get a lot of people saying that you get used to the controls over time but I'm still doing my best to improve them when I can think of something.

It's something different so I'm probably just not used to them yet :p. But being different can be really good because it sets you apart from the rest! I'm glad you tried something different instead of trying to fit into the AAA mold.