Played for about an hour. Video:
Like the video shows, I think I'm very bad at this game. Some notes:
- It would be nice an option to have a borderless full screen window
- The tutorial is a bit brutal, but since this has a souls-like vibe to it, it should be ok
- When I died and the character turned upside down, its hair didn't rotate
- Cool pamphlets! I like that kind of flavor things, but I think I learned almost everything they had to say from the keyboard rebind menu
- You can dodge burn damage, is this intended?
- I didn't find a weapon. I might be clinically blind though and missed it.
- Some way to save progress mid-dungeon would be nice
- I believe the sky animation that happens when you die played backwards sometimes.
- I have no idea what that interactable block in the room of the two spiky dudes did.
I finished playing because the game crashed. This is the error message I got:
I cannot load the game also. Hopefully the video will help you spot where the bug is.
Nice progress, keep up the good work!