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Hey thanks for playing, and thanks for both taking a video and leaving such detailed feedback. I just finished watching the whole video.

At first I thought that everything (food, crafting material) would be consumed on usage, and thought the whole game was more of a survival-type thing. This could easily be improved with better phrasing and removing the "1/1" thingie from crafting (it implies there could be a 2/2 or 1/2) and so on

It is actually planned that you'll be able to find more of each material, but I'm going to try to communicate it like low grade, medium grade, and high grade iron, for example.

Unlocking crafting material somehow feels less sensible than just finding the gear directly. Especially the intermediate crafting step (rope from hemp) makes no sense, does it? It's not like I have a limited supply of hemp and could dedice to make something else from it. Maybe the whole thing should be more like a "tech tree" where you can see that "discover Iron in order to unlock Body Armour equipment option" and so on.

I really like this idea. If I can't figure out a better way to communicate what I'm going for, I'll see about pivoting in this direction.

Water pipe riddle felt a bit too involved, final part was trial&error on my part, did not understand it fully

You fight through the whole dungeon in order to find... a fucking lever?! I could've made that on my crafting bench!

Yeah, this dungeon was very much a test dungeon to see if I could make one. Also funny enough, you missed a few rooms and a map upgrade that let you better see the water pipes.

Maybe a button to "return home and start the next day"? Sometimes I felt I should just suicide to save time rather than walk back home. (Guess makes sense only with the XP preserving food)

Not a bad idea. I'll see about replacing the quit button with something like that, and putting the quit button else where.

The difficulties swinging your weapon in corridors, visually make no sense. I understand it's a neat little mechanic, but it's also annoying..

I absolutely need to make that more visually obvious what's going on.

Leveling is another system that is in the game. I could not feel an impact of the choices I made. (Or did it enable me to do the stunlock?!) I guess the system in principle is nice to enable progress even if you keep dying to the same enemies, making you able eventually to overcome them by sheer damage numbers.

Leveling didn't affect your ability to stun lock, you just hadn't been doing consecutive swings most of the time you had the sword. I need to find a way to tutorialize the fact that swinging the sword can be done constantly unlike the frying pan.

Why is ammo capacity limited in addition to bag capacity? Would be nicer if it was balanced just through how much bag space arrows take up, so you can have more build variety/trade-offs.

This is something I'm planning on having be an upgrade. Furthermore, I want to disincentivize cheesing with ranged. Funny enough, in ancient Hawaiian culture, which this game is based off of, it was believed a warrior could acquire the mana of their fallen foes, kind of like a leveling system in an RPG, but they could only do that if they were close enough when the foe died so they hardly used ranged weapons. I've been seriously considering making that how it works in Moku as well.

Food choices could be pre-selected from previous day, or even locked in like the equipment loadout (even if that's a bit of a flavour fail, maybe?..)

Good idea. I'll implement that.

Respawn point is not automatically set to new tents you discover, this felt unintuitive

Fair enough. I'll think about changing that.

Hey, thanks for playing. No, I didn't make any of the music. All of it is free use music that is likely temporary, though one song in particular, The Fourth Color by King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, is particularly remarkable. If you happen to like it, I recommend checking out the whole album, because they released it to the public for free with a fairly open license.

Hey, thanks for playing.

I appreciate the feedback and the fact that you got all the way to the end. I'm not sure about changing the size of characters and what not, but I do want to address all the other complaints as development progresses.

Hey, thanks for playing and for streaming.

You're right about an equipment tutorial being needed. Most people seem to figure it out, but that initial confusion could be dampened.

And yeah, crossbow is OP, haha.

Hey, thanks for playing.

 I'm not sure about the implementation of it. Your new system of "craft consumable once then you can equip them as many as you want" is not well explained (brimstone streamer had a problem with this and I had to tip him). Nioh has a similar system with magic/ninmpo(you prepare them than you recharge them when you rest at bonfires). You can refer to that for some more insight

I can't remember how Nioh explained it really, if at all. But I agree it could be better tutorialized. I haven't worried about it too much because players figure it out pretty quick normally.

 I understand the idea to have a first zone like the great plateau, but with your stamina degeneration system makes it very very punishing. Since if you explore badly you can descover the crafting items for meat for last. And if you don't have meat your pacing is very reduced (again see rimstone stream)

Yep, absolutely agree. In the future I'm going to be modifying things so rations are for sure one of the first things you craft.

 I am sorry to say that this rebuild of your tutorial/first zone seem a step froward and one back, because it's pacing it's entirely random on where the player will explore. Maybe at last meat craft should be part of the super corridor start of the tutorial zone.

Yeah I get that. Part of it for me at least is letting the players find tutorial tips through natural exploration. I'll be modifying placement of pamphlets for sure.

Thanks for playing. Yeah it's not the easiest game for sure. If you give it another go, there are difficulty options. And yeah, environmental art is actually something I'm working on now.

The starting screen doesn't say what button to press. I got thoroughly confused for a solid 30 seconds wondering if it had froze or something before hitting enter. By default on the main menu, for my PS4 controller, hitting left and right made the selection go up and down instead of the up and down buttons. In the options menu it's not at all clear how to change things, and there's no visual feedback for when you select something to change it.

Getting into the game, I do not enjoy it. The game definitely needs a tutorial, because I feel I must have been missing something. I figured out how to jump, attack, dash, and swap and use the animal attacks, but the game just did not feel good to play. I got around half way through the first level before losing interest.

Gave the game a go, and got to around level 7. The completion ranking system is cool, but in a lot of levels it incentivizes the most boring way to play, IE, rolling instead of shitting. Your ranking system might be better if it's based on time instead of amount of fuel saved.

You're definitely right that in certain ways it doesn't. All of it is royalty free music, so once I find better stuff or start working with a musician, that should change.

Thanks for playing. That's not at all a bad idea. I'll start thinking about how to redesign it so it's easier to understand.

Hey, thanks for playing.

Tried it on keyboard this time and I fell down a lot fewer cliffs as a result.

There's legitimate pros and cons to each control method. Glad one is working better for you.

X for target feels a little awkward when there are so many unused buttons like V or B that you could hit with your thumb at a rest.

This is an interesting one to me. I've never even thought of trying to hit V or B with my thumb, and attempting to do so feels extremely awkward for me. When I try to do it I accidentally hit space as well half the time. I hit V and B with my left index finger, and the travel distance to X with my middle finger is a lot shorter. Definitely glad I have key rebinds because of that.

ALT makes my machine make BING BING BING noises when I press any other button afterwards. Once I got used to hitting a direction then ALT to run it wasn't so bad, but it was a rough start.

Yeah I've seen other players have the same issue. Some people have more success setting SHIFT to sprint.

I wish hitting run again while running let you stop. 

I'll add that as an option.

Dodge is still labeled dodge/run in the controls menu

Thanks for the reminder, I'll fix that.

Having to gather materials to make your basic healing and stamina items is a little overkill imo. I think it'd be better if you got the materials for those two as part of the tutorial, introducing the crafting system. I never managed to find the final ingredient required to make rations despite being all over the island several times and it was very annoying.

Yeah, I think your experience could be improved with some modified level design for sure. As for the rations thing, I take it you couldn't find the rope. You need to craft the rope yourself. You likely found the required material for it if you went all over the island, just missed crafting it. I've already added a post DD 54 feature that points out when stuff like that can be crafted specifically due to many players having the same issue. Hopefully it works as I intend.

It's a bit weird how this shipwrecked presumably-American tourist uses native Hawaiian terminology for everything in the menu.

Yeah it's a little funky. Part of the goal of the game is to be true to Hawaiian culture in various aspects, but the tourist getting shipwrecked aspect actually came first. It could all change in the end.

I was in a situation where I cut down most of some grass blocking my way, then aggroed an enemy on the other side. I wanted to see if I could bait it into cutting the grass, but it didn't attack me (because I was out of range? I got one of the bardiche enemies to do it just fine later)
BUT I could grab the enemy from across the grass tile without cutting it. Maybe needs a "don't grab enemies through walls" check.  Here's a picture of me grabbing the enemy with telekinesis.

Ah yeah, I never did check for wall clipping stuff for attacks. I need to fix that.

The radial menu for selecting items is new, isn't it? I like it, excellent implementation.

It's not new, but I'm glad you got use out of it.

Also very much like the shark-tooth sword. I look forward to seeing what you're gonna do with the other items to make them fit the aesthetic.

Leiomano are extremely cool weapons.

Enemies in the overworld are very easy to bypass compared to how dangerous they are to fight, seeing as they don't seem to reward you with anything other than XP for killing them. The bardiche dudes at least could do with a little less health.

That's all kinda the intention, though I think it'll become better communicated as time goes on. As the dev I find fighting most of them pretty easy so long as I at least have the leiomano, including the bardiche guys. I'll always want fleeing to be a viable option, because I want enemies to feel dangerous, even if it's an RPG.

Once again, thanks for playing, and best of luck on OBF.

Thanks for giving it another go. Your comments last time were definitely part of the reason I wanted to overhaul the UI. There's still work to be done of course, including in the dungeon design. It shouldn't be possible to soft lock yourself in it, but you never know.

Thanks for playing, and thanks for the B rating. The music was all royalty free stuff I found online, including the rock song at the camp (which good lord a lot of people think is ill fitting but I love, lol).  The usage of plants was accurate to how they were used in real life by ancient Hawaiians and Polynesians.

Thank you for playing. I've been working on making UI stuff look a bit nicer, and that's one I'm still figuring out.

Thank you for playing. I definitely need to do a better job at tutorializing the survival elements, though I feel they're fairly minor.

lol it's all good. I'm glad you caught that.

Is it Trickster Tarva or Heavenly Masterpiece? This game kinda pissed me off real fast. I didn't figure out how to hurt the slime and then the orca insta killed me as soon as the fight started. I was able to get the orca down to around half health but it still bugged me. Game definitely needs work but I like the graphics.


I got a score of 1880. This was very well polished as other people said. Also it's bullshit. Good game.

Paul Klee is a strange man of many colors. I keep thinking the color I can't touch is one that I can. I got maybe 30 points.

This game was super cool but it has a lot of small issues. For example, I was unable to see my mouse cursor in game. Furthermore the hitboxes for the attacks didn't feel right at all, because I would swing, and then after the swing animation finished the attack hitbox lingered long enough to hit a flying drone. Furthermore I found that both the flashlight and the grappling hook preferred to follow the mouse as opposed to the right thumb stick despite the fact that I was playing on a gamepad. Finally, sometimes the echolocation graphic would bug out and freeze at a corner of the screen.

I only got past a couple bosses. The game seemed very easy but then I died by shooting Wrath at the floor. Caught me by surprise. I'm sure you're aware this game needs some music. It also needs to stop dropping my input suddenly.

Punch Jump pissed me off. I wish there was an arc displayed for when you're throwing Carl.

I don't know why Z, X, and C all do the same thing. That being said, this game is very charming for a prototype. I was happy once I figured out that S is dodge, even if I failed to use it correctly half of the time.

Been a while since I played this game. I'm still pretty bad at it. I think the only complaint I really have is that the grenade launcher should have a larger explosion, because right now it feels under powered. Apparently you were asking for feedback about the pistol, and it seemed fine for a starting weapon. The sound it makes could probably be punched up though.

DeadWire DD took me a little bit to get the hang of, but it is pretty fun for a puzzle action game. It does a really good job of marrying the two.

Hey, thanks for playing as much as you did! That's great to hear.

Was a bit confused by the icon used for the "Punch attack" and "Grab attack" in the tutorial. It looks like the trigger button but I'm not quite sure.

Yeah, those icons aren't great. You're correct on what they were.

I like how everything is themed around Hawaiian culture. Like how the opening is on a cruise ship, the items being local things you could find, and the pamphlets. Very unique setting and idea.

Thank you. I've had fun with it.

Should indicate with a signpost that the tent (sleeping) is how you save.

Yeah you're right.

Holding down left stick to run is a bit unintuitive. Maybe use a face button?

For a long the dodge button did double duty, but I needed to add the variable dodge distances. I need to make it clearer that you just need to tap it, not hold it.

On one screen the falling sound kept repeating, but I wasn't falling nor did I see anyone else fall. Probably an enemy out of view that keeps falling? Maybe you should make falling sound distance based?

Hopefully that bug's been fixed after demo day.

Platforming would be easier if the player had a shadow that you could use to see where you would fall after a dash.

Possibly? The player sprite never rises or falls, but adding both could definitely be helpful.

Enemy went into the water, then got pushed into another screen, so I followed them there, but their stats (stamina) stayed the same, so they kept swimming without drowning.

The anti-cheese thing I have that makes it so enemies heal real fast when they're unaware of the player might be way too aggressive. I'll look into it.

Enemies too willing to drown.

Yeah I need to figure that out in general. They're supposed to avoid trying to walk into water and holes but they still do now and then.

Enemy grab attacks are a fantastic addition. Very cool.

Thank you!

There seems to be some kind of parry system? I'm not sure how to use it. (At least I think I saw something like that)

Well I'm curious what you saw. The closest thing to parrys that the game has is grab teching which is a fighting game mechanic. If you and an enemy attempt to grab each other at the same time, it'll bounce.

Hunger/food should also be directly explained to players, preferably through signposts. I was confused as to why my stamina was decreasing all the time until I read the stats menu.

Yeah, I could make that one clearer early on.

Grab attacks are really fun.

I'm glad!

Somehow had a chicken of 0 count stuck in my item use wheel. It stayed even when I added a 10 stack of chicken.

Oh that's super weird. I am not sure what to make of that. Hopefully I'll figure out what caused such a bug.

Somehow able to overload bag space (like 21/16) I don't remember how I did it, but I remember it happening accidentally.

Likely related to the bug that caused the other thing. Hrm.

That was actually pretty impressive, all things considered. I don't know what to say other than that.

Took me a moment to figure out what I was doing. As you are likely very aware this game needs some sound effects. I'm also a little confused how the bayonet charge works, because sometimes I did not go in the direction the hit arrow was pointing,

Dead Engine is pretty fun so far. My only real complaint is the quest giver speaks too quickly for me to read it at times.

I didn't get very far at all in Devil Spire 2. My cursor was refusing to show up, making it very difficult to set up a character and view the inventory. I quickly was forced to crawl after that from losing all my HP. Sorry for not playing more.

It's clearly a tech demo. I find it funny how I gotta reload an axe, but that's weirdly charming in its own way.

I was able to beat the monster without problem. My only complaint is I keep accidentally dodging into the enemy. It would be nice if non-directional input dodges moved the character backwards.

I am not very good at this, but as FroggyGreen says it's a fun idea. The sound effect you use though is absolutely cancerous.

Once I got the hang of it (with some help) it felt pretty alright to play. That being said, the menu you bring up to swap and mix elements broke the flow of gameplay. It was not the greatest.

Attempting to pull off kill moves seems bloody obnoxious and just doesn't work most of the time. If an enemy goes down, then why does it un-target them, even if they're not dead? It is still very entertaining.

Goblin Resort has not changed much since I last played it, but it's good to know this game is still fun.

Hey, thanks for playing as much as you did.

I find some elements of the game way too punishing in a way that seems almost Souls inspired.

It's very Souls inspired. I can admit that.

My base character felt very weak against the Axe enemy who would often two-touch me while I had to juggle a slow stamina recovery and weapon speed. It got slightly more manageable when I ate the food that buffed those stats but it became the routine to always eat the attack speed food since I didn't engage with that many of the other effects.

It is a hard game. I don't know if guys as difficult as the axe guys will always be in such an early area. At one point it was used as a boss for the tutorial.

The status effects feel extremely oppressive with little counter play beyond just eating the anti-poison consumable or jumping in water with how long they last. I think it would be interesting to borrow from Monster Hunter and use stamina intensive movement to cure certain statuses in battle (e.g. dodge rolling to put out fires/dry off wetness, standing in place to staunch bleeding, etc.)

Stealing the way Monster Hunter handles bleed isn't a bad idea (though Moku doesn't have a crouch.) That being said, dodging DOES get rid of fire, and if you dodge while running you'll jump on the ground (also much like Monster Hunter when running away from a monster), which will reduce it a whole lot. This stuff isn't explained in the game yet, but I could imagine putting fire safety stuff in a pamphlet.

I think the enemies should die if they get knocked off cliffs since they just fall endlessly anyways.

Y'know, I keep thinking I fixed that bug, and it keeps coming back.

I liked using the grab attack the most.

Good. It's a fun move.

The controls are shown for most menus while you're in them.

lmao yeah I was wondering if I should have signposted them a bit better. I might add a sparkle effect to item pick ups from now on to draw the eye.