As a fellow WizardLike dev, I felt compelled to give this a go. I liked it!
Things I liked:
The art, especially the title screen. Except for the main character, weirdly enough... But generally I like the style a lot,
The evil witch is wearing skimpy clothes, I approve.
directional staff swinging. Feels good to hit an enemy on an angle!
The interplay of the staff and spells in general- when you first hit the star with the staff and launch it, it's a great little moment of 'oh, I can do that?', and incorporating it into your fighting style afterwards is fun. I hope there's a lot more like this in the game!
The general wizardly vibe is pretty good, too. Although- if you have all your spells from the start, and are mainly finding items with which you utilize them more effectively, aren't you really multiclassing into rogue? Interesting...
Things I didn't like:
There are a lot of people on this island. I know there's the explanation that they were all sent here by the witch, but the first one who says that is off to the top-left... Fewer NPCs, more dialogue per NPC?
There's lag between pressing to move and the character actually moving. I suppose they might be accelerating to full speed? But with the way it's tuned now, it doesn't feel good- it feels slightly sluggish. If I quickly tap 'left' in succession, the character doesn't move at all, even though it definitely feel like he should!
The current controls are a bit clunky in general. WASD/JKL is fine, but selecting spells is a pain. I imagine you directional spell selection would work well on a gamepad, and that's why you've chosen it, but for keyboard couldn't you add bindings to let me press 1/2/3/4 to pick the spells?
The enemies are a bit mechanically samey despite looking different... generally I'd rather fight 1-4 enemies that are actually smart and have different mechanical behaviours/moves rather than a room full of dumb enemies that move and shoot at random. I feel like there's an opportunity to tie the enemies and environment in with the magic some more, too.. I like the tortoise enemies in principle, but then I'd hit them from the south while they were facing west and feel like I should be hitting underneath their shell. Not sure how to solve that one.
The cliff walls look good when they're only 1 tile high, but for me the 2+ tile high cliff walls looked unnatural due to the seam between them at each 'height-level'.
I realize there's a lot of negative in the list, but I do like the game! I suppose it 'feels' like an actual game more than a lot of the things I've seen this DD, so I'm judging it as if I'd downloaded it off steam, hah. I really want to see this made as good as it can be, though, so I've tried to give honest feedback.
Looking forward to playing this some more, and when it's updated/done!