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Glad you enjoyed the game! And sorry you don't start full health, it's not a bug just set it up that way, I didn't want players to die and try again just because they had little amount hp left where they could maybe win if they push through but I realize starting with only 3 isn't fair as well, I'll find someway to address it. Pearls aren't really in this dd, it tracks how many pearls you have but you can't buy anything with them yet, they'll be scattered throughout and you can buy health upgrades etc with it so I should put an indicator somewhere like the menu or something. Text speed could be fixed with the character number thing or just adjusting manually, I realize I read it too fast since I already know what they're saying so I should probably slow it down a good bit. And lastly idk how you got all the maximum spawns that many times in a row, I'll check it out why but either it's your luck or something to do with wine wrapper. Which by the way I was planning to export for linux by now but it's been a little more annoying and busy than I expected so hopefully next time you can play it it will be without wine wrapper since there are few things that look odd like there's no eye on player spawn point but idk if it's affecting the gameplay other than that many maximum monster spawn which could be luck.
Thanks for the video, it's really great feedback!
> No, the snake lady you fight on the rug
Yeah snake is janky and mostly there to show visuals of it all
> Just that same sound you're using; even though the game was loud as a whole, that one felt louder than the rest too, but it's fine if temp.
I'll check the sound on that!
>I think the game over screen has charm the first time, but I'm not sure why you wouldn't just allow moving to the sides already while falling and not needing to fall down all the way.
there's actually no reason, I could just let players float down with the hat whichever direction, it just stayed that way and wasn't a priority to change but I'll do it at some point.
>Well I wouldn't worry for now if you plan on making some intro sequence where it moves from the cauldron to the center while the game auto-walks you back to in front of the room door, but yeah.
I want to keep it sort of a surprise since she gives you the jar and seems nice (throughout the dungeon once I'm done with it), then turns on you unexpectedly which is bit cheap but also something I thought would add character a bit. I'll kinda lenghten her first sequence but I won't make player walk back to safety. There are like 3 times control is taken away from the player and they all basically make player stand still due a spell or because something hit him, I really don't want the character to move without player's input.
> op bolt I think it just needs to be more scarce yet still usable in some way. If you make it resource-based I'm not sure why you've got so much of it. General balance thing, I guess.
General balance isn't that great at the moment but I do want to give players a bit of an ammo to play around with magic instead of going through thinking it'll be scarce. I probably could balance it better not only with drop rates but also enemies that require magic to kill etc.
> event reset I didn't leave; I tried to screencap with ShareX (external program, might've made the window lose focus) while the previous double bell double text bugs were happening. Maybe that caused it?
I think I messed it up when introducing textbox, I'll fix it soon enough.
> upgrade through ESC Oh, even after i found out the menu I didn't realise that was a thing. Also the end text says to hold ESC but you gotta quit with the door.
That's so old I'm surprised I haven't changed it yet, thanks for pointing that one out.
> played a fair bit Yeah it was pretty fun and I want more :)
It's coming, thanks for playing!
Thanks for the feedback!
- Very loud
Sounds are recently implemented, you can change the volume with 8-9-0 buttons but not in the game menu yet, hopefully next dd it'll be better.
- spiderweb hitbox is larger than it looks
I'll rework it once I make her into an actual boss, it's just a slowing effect so far.
- couldn't even talk with rug guy boss started immediately
Shooter bits are bit janky and only there to test as of now, why you can't really die in them.
- tpd to start center of the room after boss - boss hits didn't lower hearts
Which boss? skeleton one?
- star hit sfx is super loud/wand hit on ground claws
What do you mean by claws? sound effects are mostly stolen from morrowind but not all so they can be bit mismatched.
- Can't move hat while it's falling in game over
You can press down to fall quicker, only moves once you fall all the way down.
- Hitbox feels inconsistent when entering doors:
Someone else also complained about that, I'll change the door sizes once I start making new tiles for dungeons but I'm aware of it.
- Skelly guy in church talks too fast
Textbox stuff is also put in game few days before dd so there's tons of jankiness there.
- Skelly boss sorta spawns in your face, feels like it needs a bit of an intro i guess.
After she gots into the cauldron? I can probably slow it down either how much she waits on the cauldron or right after she jumps in.
- bolt sphere spam seems op and expensiveless.
It is op at the moment, I can drop it down to hitting 1 enemy then disappearing and making double hit a future upgrade but I let it be op for now.
- I think it would look nicer if frost giant walked one leg then the other
I was thinking he'd hop a longer distance instead of walking around but couldn't do it in time before dd so left it like that, but that sounds interesting too so I'll try and see how it works.
- Dorothy bell in my hands while also in the floor. Text stacking on top of eachother.
I know about the text bit but idk why bell spawns twice, I'll check it out.
- Immediately after, the event got reset?
The tree event resets after? Did you had to re enter the room or just reset while standing?
- Claws can hit you even while buried?
Right now they can, I'll change that at some point.
- Is it normal I could get the fish skelly key before fighting it? I think I got hurt though
I'm not sure but I think you could, reward is afterwards you get a faster attack upgrade so if you die to it with the key and skip it entirely you'd have slower attack, nothing gamebreaking.
- Moth says to get in summoning circle but that doesn't do anything
I forgot to fix the dialogue, circle now works when you use your weapon on it.
- I guess you can't trade pearls in the demo
Not yet.
- How can you break star spell with the ring (dash)? doesn't seem possible
Item upgrade isn't in the game yet so you have to upgrade it from the Esc menu, it only works if you didn't die and goes away once you die unless you get the actual items for it(like the moon icon with teleport). You can basically start with all the upgrades if you decide to upgrade from the menu just to see how it works only for the demo basically.
- Doesn't seem I can give life to my acorn bomb with fire
Again only works if you upgrade through the menu before dying, it is functional but doesn't have the item for it yet.
- I only found out ESC menu when I was gonna quit so I had no flowers to test the variable object summon based on familiar
Maybe I should put that on tutorial as well.
Thanks for playing and your feedback, seems like you played a good bit so hope it was fun enough.
About collusions, I'll widen the doors once I draw the new dungeon tilesets, which size wise will be same with starting tower doors. I'll have to remake most of the dungeons but I've been planning to anyways so it might take some time. But there's still going to be a difference in feeling since character collusion mask is taller than it's wider, so even though the doors have 160pixel opening when you walk up or down into them you don't feel it because of the collusion mask.
About the genie boss, I was thinking of making an almost screen wide projectiles in a row attack for the genie to teach that you can dash through them with the ring, and putting some sort of indicator then, but most of the bosses are just looping sprites atm and they need few more frames of chargeup animation or something to indicate an attack.
>It attacks in a wider area and sends tiny projectiles that goes through shielded enemies. Although I've been thinking about putting something in the game that lets you upgrade the projectiles into something more convenient like sword beam attack.
Pretty much everything about it needs fixing. The charge time is extremely long; It's just not worth using it when you could do more damage by just attacking normally. A long charge time also encourages a passive hit-and-run playstyle where you wait for it to charge far away from enemies and only get close to hit them once and then back off again. The random spread makes it keep missing; either make the angles fixed or have it home in on enemies. The range is so short and the projectile speed is so slow I'm not sure if I ever managed to actually hit anything with it. The sword hits the enemies before the projectiles and knocks them out of reach.
About the chargeup weapon, it was passively charging before this demo and I didn't get to try it all that much, I thought charge timing was ok with it being not too fast and with possible sword beam upgrade it'd be powerful enough. I'll try around with timing and maybe even double damage after you charged it enough, I tried the double damage before the demo but thought it was too powerful but maybe if the chargeup feels slow double damage would work.
I agree with you on the invisible enemies, like I said dungeons are bit of a sketch for me right now like I'll introduce this enemy before that room and so, I'm kinda putting them on another time since there's bunch of tilesets need to be drawn but it's starting to catch up I guess.
- The animation before the main menu appears should be skippable.
I don't understand what you mean by that? Do you mean the walking and looking at the moon animation?
- Just let me pause the goddamn game. Not pausing while the menu is open adds nothing to game.
I'll think about it but I don't think pause adds all that much, especially when a lot of rooms are just safe spaces where you can walk and wait.
- The pose the character does when picking up an item lasts for slightly too long.
I can tone that down
I somehow managed to miss the path to the snow area entirely.
- Wouldn't let me give the pearl to the guy in the cave.
I didn't add the pearl items yet, I understand the confusion since he mentions it.
- You should be able to switch spells while moving. For example, if I'm moving left, I should be able to press Space and up to switch to the star spell while still holding the left arrow key, and then continue moving left.
- The page flipping animation should only play once instead of repeatedly flipping to the same page.
I kinda have some idea how to implement that but I'm going to try to redo bits of how you change your spell anyways, instead of using spacebar you'll use x or k +direction keys and when you release it after a bit you'll cast the spell like the charged attack, so I can maybe change it while doing that. Same with page flipping animation so possibly next dd or so there's going to be some changes with those.
- The frost giant's contact damage hitbox is too big.
I know didn't test it enough, that whole dungeon is 2 rooms so they're basically boss sketches atm and wanted to show it since demoday to get some feedback instead of keeping it hidden. I'm going to rework bits of those bosses at some point.
- Some areas are too dark. The woods where the cat is are pitch black when playing in daylight.
I do like the contrast between dark and light areas but I've gotten similar comments before so maybe I can tone it down a bit, but I personally don't mind how they are atm.
- Sacrificing the fairies to the alter didn't seem to do anything.
Someone else said the same thing, I thought it was working ok but there's some sort of issue with it, I'll try to fix it.
- You should be able to attack at the end of a dash.
I don't understand exactly, like a fast attack right after a dash? because I thought you can attack after a dash, also dashing does a little damage as well.
- Don't make it seem like the turtle miniboss is taking damage from attacks if he's not actually taking damage.
It is taking damage but it'd take a bit until it's dead, maybe I can just make it block everything except the bomb, but I like you can defeat some enemies with just hitting them as well.
- It's not that obvious when the octopus boss is vulnerable and when he isn't.
When he's being shadowy you can't hit him, I guess it could look bit vague so I'll check it out.
Again thanks for playing, I hope you saved the cat and gotten the candle after you got the jar. One of the reasons I didn't want to make charge attack a long range thing because you can hit the candle flame for ranged attack, although it collides with walls unlike lightning orb. Thanks for your feedback, it's very valuable!
You can hit the star spell with your staff and make it travel faster. I did try to keep some of the beginning areas similar but they aren't exact and map opens up( will open up). Spell change is on the go and without a pause to keep it fast. Npc dialogues aren't final but I want to keep it extremely simple for the most part. Thank you for playing and hope you enjoyed!
Thanks for playing the game.
- The way the ocean on the main menu freezes on two nearly identical frames between waves looks bad. The water needs to recede more and with more frames.
It could use few more frames.
- Add a proper options menu instead of just two buttons on the pause menu to change resolution (what exactly does "low resolution" even mean?
All the menu staff is still not final, but I'm trying to come up with a solution where I can keep it all in one page.
- Pressing X should close the pause menu.
I can implement that.
- Only enable vibration when detecting controller inputs, and disable it again on keyboard inputs. Don't make me unplug my controller.
It checks keyboard and controller inputs simultaneously atm, I've not been bothering with controller for a long while since for some reason it doesn't work on mac but it is on my list.
- I don't like these shadows originating from the center of each screen. That's not how sunlight works. Why don't the braziers cast shadows?
I thought it'd give bit of a dramatic feeling to entire thing.
- Fade out the HUD if it overlaps the player.
Maybe I can make it a little transparent if player walks around top left but I didn't think it was that big of an issue, usually there's always a wall there or something.
- If a flying enemy drops an item in a non-navigable location, it should be teleported to the nearest navigable location.
I could maybe magnetize them to player but you can pick them up with your weapon as well, unless it's too deep in the walls.
- Left/right door collision is still wonky.
Do you mean in dungeons or certain specific room? I don't know what's wonky about them but I remember you or someone else telling me something.
- Are you meant to have to use the lightning spell for the genie boss? That kind of attack doesn't really work when fighting him in melee, and there's no telegraph. What if you run out of crystals? Do you expect the player to go farm some more before letting him retry the boss?
Genie boss only takes damage from the eye, you can actually spam attack and win fast. His body doesn't have any collusion.
- The HUD icon for the ring is too small to be useful. Add a sound and/or particle effect to indicate when it's ready again.
I thought in the end ring is either up or not, and after a few uses you get the gist of it, little sparkle animation or something could work but maybe could be a bit distracting, sound might be too annoying imo.
- Who's the trickster the water fairy's talking about? Is it the genie? Does she give you the sword just for killing the frogs, or does the dialogue not update?
- Fade out/fade in subtitles between lines. It helps a lot with readability and ensures that you can't miss when a new line appears.
It's the genie, you get the sword after you defeat it and return back to the pond but I don't think dialogue updates after that. Textbox stuff is all really recent so there are some issues I've overlooked.
- The charge attack seems pretty useless.
It attacks in a wider area and sends tiny projectiles that goes through shielded enemies. Although I've been thinking about putting something in the game that lets you upgrade the projectiles into something more convenient like sword beam attack.
- I managed to keep a charge after letting go of Z, but I couldn't replicate it. I think it happened when I got hit by an enemy.
I know about that one, I think it happens if an enemy pushes you out of the room.
- I don't like how the carpet boss's bullets block yours. I just circled around her the entire just so I could hit her. It doesn't add any challenge; in fact, it undermines any attempts at making the boss challenging, because if the bullet density was high enough that you couldn't dodge them in your sleep, you'd never be able to hit the boss.
The flying bosses are just wip bits I put to show how it's going to look, I should've tried to make it more fun tho. They're just spam button to see how long it takes right now, I do want to implement different type of projectiles and sequences in those fights.
- Does the carpet that lets you cross lava need to be aligned to the grid? If you're inbetween two tiles (like you'll always be when entering a screen), it spawns too far to the side for you to cross.
It is on a grid based alignment so for the sake of keeping it consistent it does need to be like that. But there's probably be a better solution I've not thought of yet.
- Enemies need to move around less. It's really annoying trying to hit an enemy with the long windup when it could instantly change direction at any moment. A lot of the time you end up taking contact damage because the enemy decided to go towards you with no warning.
I think it becomes easier once you get the swift attack upgrade but I've been thinking of starting with fast attack and using that upgrade for something else since slower attack can feel sluggish when you're just out of reach sometimes.
- There's no indication that the ring only works with the star spell other than the description.
Every item works with the same page spell except the crystal and summoning circle, which isn't finalized still.
- The walk back to the volcano dungeon is really fucking annoying.
I was hoping finish the flying broom witch carry you to the dungeons of your choice, ofc the ones you've been before but I couldn't finish it in time, but you will be able to fly to those dungeons after you rescue her.
- Stunned enemies shouldn't cause contact damage.
I probably can do that. I'll try and see how it works.
- The blue ring projectiles in the room with the laser statue shouldn't be able to spawn right next to you. Sometimes they even spawn inside you and you take damage for seemingly no reason.
Those are invisible enemies, they get visible once you dash through the star spell but the item isn't in the game yet and you need to unlock it from the menu before you die. But there are enemies that's shooting the blue rings so you can hit them even if you can't see them.
- I ended up leaving and re-entering certains screens until no enemies spawned rather than bothering fighting them.
Yeah enemy spawn rate does fluctuate a lot, I've been meaning to change how it works but I couldn't come up with a nice solution yet.
- Couldn't figure what I was supposed to with the laser statue, and the bottle, candle, and item that lets you push blocks all seem to have vanished, so I had to stop there.
If you got the candle you've been using the bottle, once you pass the laser statue with the invisible enemies there's a mini turtle boss that drops upgrade item for you where you can bottle the lightning spell and release it again for teleporting around. Other than that you can capture fairies and heal up and use it for few other side quests in the game. I'm not sure what you mean by item that lets you push blocks, the crystal that creates pushable block? If that it should be still in the game.
Again thank you for playing and letting me know all these issues, I will try to tackle some of those until next dd!
Good thing I picked the easy door with double jump and floating gravity.
But really compared to last time I played it something seems better, idk which version I tried last time but controls do feel more snappier and mistakes feel like your own which I do like, difficulty also spikes really fast which I somewhat get but it feels like there's no relaxing period unless you stop playing.
I think with color balance maybe use blue color on your diamond grid for background tiles and keep pink for bricks/whatever foreground and make switches more readable somehow. I don't think you need to change much, especially main character which I don't remember if it had white outline with shadow last time I played but it works, biggest issue is pink on pink background imo.
background and characters enemies clash a lot either mute the background down and brighten the character sprites or have some kind of white outlines to sprites which wouldn't what I prefer but would be easier to track what's going on
I would like to have an option for left/right moving the character clockwise/counter clockwise and up down for moving in and out rather than it changing for every quarter, it's still alright this way but I think an option like that would add to the game
nice demo
I'm glad you like the designs. I understand page selecting can feel a bit odd at first but it's basically a wheel inventory with 4 directions and makes things a lot faster after playing a bit. Using spell cast button to change does sound interesting tho so I will try and see how it'd work.
World design and maps aren't final but I see what you mean since you can maneuver better and start more equipped than link, except for the few last things that aren't done yet mechanics are kinda recently finalized that I can actually tackle world and screen design more in tune with the movement speed attack directions and whatnot.
I recently put the text box stuff together so some npcs don't even have those but the ones who do if they're moving around in scripted event they're talking on timer, game doesn't pause after each line for you to press a button to continue because of that. And the npcs that stay still show the text once you're close enough.
Flying bits are definitely not final, they're basically spectacle like you said, planning to scatter them around to break the regular gameplay and I'm planning to add a few more. Dragon controls slippery on purpose since there's going to be a strong wind visual effect to indicate you're flying with resistance and you're gonna have to avoid more stuff.
Thanks for playing it and leaving feedback, I really appreciate it, definitely will try the x/k for spell changing.
Thanks for playing it!
I try to keep the art consistent, title screen is new, hoping to change it very little when I implement the save/load system with that. And I'm a big fan of naga/skimpy evil witch archetype so I'm glad you liked her design. Weapon always interacts with spells except for the summoning circle until you get a familiar. Having spells unlocked from the start works the best imo since there's still a progress with items and upgrades that make you combine same page items with spells like lightning and jar combines and makes you teleport etc. Also he's still an apprentice so he can be a bit of a rogue even after I scrubbed the sneaking in hat thought.
There are a lot of people on this island. I know there's the explanation that they were all sent here by the witch, but the first one who says that is off to the top-left... Fewer NPCs, more dialogue per NPC?
Story isn't fully set yet and I'm aware that I'm not telling whatever story I have in mind with clarity. But some of the npc's are the actual inhabitants of the island, only 4 of the npcs are sent by the witch. There's a town to the west that you can access after you clear the tomb dungeon, although town bit is very barebones right now.
There's lag between pressing to move and the character actually moving. I suppose they might be accelerating to full speed? But with the way it's tuned now, it doesn't feel good- it feels slightly sluggish. If I quickly tap 'left' in succession, the character doesn't move at all, even though it definitely feel like he should!
The current controls are a bit clunky in general. WASD/JKL is fine, but selecting spells is a pain. I imagine you directional spell selection would work well on a gamepad, and that's why you've chosen it, but for keyboard couldn't you add bindings to let me press 1/2/3/4 to pick the spells?
That lag is for player to be able to change directions and attack quickly, otherwise it's more frustrating to walk into enemies jut because you wanted to attack in one direction, but I agree walking around and changing spells feels better with gamepad stick.
The enemies are a bit mechanically samey despite looking different... generally I'd rather fight 1-4 enemies that are actually smart and have different mechanical behaviours/moves rather than a room full of dumb enemies that move and shoot at random. I feel like there's an opportunity to tie the enemies and environment in with the magic some more, too.. I like the tortoise enemies in principle, but then I'd hit them from the south while they were facing west and feel like I should be hitting underneath their shell. Not sure how to solve that one.
There are few more enemies and some enemies can follow you around mechanically although I know it's not that easy to tell. With shielding enemies stun from the star spell makes them keep their direction so you can walk around and attack their openings. With tortoise one you avoid the fake eyes so either hit the head or the butt from same direction, also they're weak to magic. With animated armor enemy aligning your hit is easier since they only block from front although they walk faster and more erratic also can follow you around and take less damage from magic. But yeah I'm trying to make them more varied, the one's that are varied so far could be just too slow to notice if you're clearing them up fast enough.
The cliff walls look good when they're only 1 tile high, but for me the 2+ tile high cliff walls looked unnatural due to the seam between them at each 'height-level'.
I had few ideas about tiles and how walls could kinda merge but not working on it since it's not an urgency right now. And I personally don't mind how it looks but I understand exactly what you mean by unnatural looking height and I do want to adjust it some day. But I also do want to keep that weird zelda fake perspective of the walls.
I realize there's a lot of negative in the list, but I do like the game! I suppose it 'feels' like an actual game more than a lot of the things I've seen this DD, so I'm judging it as if I'd downloaded it off steam, hah. I really want to see this made as good as it can be, though, so I've tried to give honest feedback.
Title screen and diagonal attacks and possibly few other things you liked in the game are there because people didn't like how the game was before those were in and told me about it, so I think it's really good you don't filter it. Hope you enjoyed the game and thanks for your feedback.
Been playing for a bit, really nice changes overall, combat feels much faster and arcane skills feel good and op but still balanced enough. Got until here and got stuck. I'm guessing blue circle/diamond things are supposed to be you're jumping on them but I couldn't really tell and when I got to this screen nomatter where I moved it didn't matter. I'll reload a save and try it again tomorrow or something but both the (some)containers and iron bar/windows have depth issues on browser mode.
My complaints would be idk what the purple gem is for and because you get the gem selling npc first I bought 2 of them instead of potions that I could've gotten one screen ahead, but thankfully I still had enough money to buy arcane skills. You should be able to sell those gems back probably. Also bottom left of the market with the big save crystal screen has a purple thing that tells you you got a gem but I think nothing happens.
The damage amount you hit on the rightmost enemies can be hard to see because numbers go offscreen.
Some enemies make you take 1 more action points for every action but if you arrange it right and have 1 action point left you can take more action, which I kinda like so it's not much of a complaint but it might be a bug or something.
I like the skill management system , but you could probably make more than 1 item slot since it seems like you'll end up with tons of items.
Also Dolores is cute and this.
Thanks for playing!
I'm guessing you played about an hour or so, I'm glad you didn't find any bugs or anything. Mindflayer boss is supposed to be the last one, hope the ghost showed up to tell you demo was over. I will fix the sound effects and music at some point both with hits and other stuff. I'm planning to add a full screen moving attack for the genie boss so you can dodge with the ring. Hope you enjoyed the game.
- I was hoping it'd have Gamepad support, but it doesn't. Or if it does, it doesn't work with mine, neither naturally or by emulating XInput.
Gamepad support exists but not quite working with all the gamepads for some reason, same gamepad works on my windows laptop and doesn't work on my mac. Friends gamepad works and has vibration on explosions and mine doesn't, not sure what the issue exactly is but I want to fix it sometime because playing with analogstick makes the game a lot more fun imo.
- No Title Music either. Arrowkeys instead of WASD, fine, but unexpected. Highlighting for Start and Exit is delayed and happens on every movement input into that direction, instead of getting lighter the closer I get. Also a bit odd to only control the Hat, instead of the full Character here. A regular button based start-screen might be better.
Start screen is kind of a mess, I want to change it into a more traditional button based screen in the end.
- Tutorial is there. Its not good, with everything frontloaded and Y/Z Keybindings, and I still don't understand why everyone uses YXC / ZXC and Arrowkeys for these kind of Games, instead of WASD and IJKL to emulate Controller sides, but oh well. The Tarot Cards are cute tho.
- Shift + Directions feels odd to change Spells/Items. Really odd.
I can make wasd/arrow keys and zxc/jkl with space+directions changing the pages next dd so people play with whichever they're comfortable with.
- I can open the ESC Menu and have to control the Feather with movement Keys? Ok I guess, since its Mouseless, but why not have me swap between Options then instead of having to place a Cursor over them? Just make it fully Cursorless if you have no Mouse support.
Menu is always evolving and I'm adding stuff as I change how stuff works in the game so it is a bit cumbersome. I'll look into adding mouse support but I wanted players to not take their fingers off from the keyboard and in the end menu will only be used for fast travel and checking item descriptions so I didn't think more precise controls for that was necessary.
- I can circle but not un-circle some of the Things that describe Spells or Items to me, no Idea what that does. Is it an alternate Form of spellcasting that I can't disable now that I've enabled it? Is it just a description? If so why can I enable it at all? Also I can cast spells while in the Menu.
I changed the casting/attacking thing while in the menu although not uploaded it yet. Circling things isn't going to end up in the final game, it's just for the demo and indicating the items you'll collect from the dungeons, top three for the spell/item combination upgrade and bottom three are passive effects.
- Collisions for your Tables and Stuff seem to start too low, I should be able to walk in front of them more.
I think it's more of a not very smartly moving problem. MC moves very precise instead of readjusting for minor collusion stuff like in the zelda, idk how to handle that exactly but it does get annoying when it happens too many times in a row, also why I like playing the game with analog stick since movement feels much better when that happens and you can just glide past it.
- Tutorial Area is nice and workable, but could use a bit of a better / more comfy Design. Adorable Owls. And its nice that I get my Flower back if I summon without any Familiars. Don't know whats with the free Acorn and walkthrough-able Pouch at the End tho, ended up wasting the Acorn on it. Should've known that I need that, nice that it respawns.
I might change the whole tutorial area, it's born out of necessity for demodays, needed to convey that somehow but originally I had something more elaborate in mind. But it's nice that you like the owls.
- Dragonboss is fine, Maps are bland. Dying has a really long respawn Animation with the Hat falling all the Way down. And a lot of Sound and Music is missing.
Dragonboss will have more coulds/mist/wind visuals in the end, also it'll be able to actually hurt but you're the only one so far not complained about flying controls so that gives me some hope. You can press down to fall faster with the hat. And I need to make a proper system for sound and music desperately.
- Volcano Dungeon first because I ended up there. Invisible Enemies and no Way to reveal them? Dead, not walking back up there, going to grind for the Jar first.
If you activate the sun symbol thing in the menu you can shatter the star spell with ring item and it becomes dust that reveals and stuns enemies for a bit. However the item that you need to pick up for it isn't in the game yet and I think once you die upgrades without items reset and if you haven't upgraded it locks you out from upgrading again, which I need to fix.
- I love the Interactable Grass and Birds and Stuff, I don't love the sheer amount of Enemies everywhere. The Cat is absolutely adorable. Sadly I had to get rid of it to get a Candle. At least I have a Fish in my Glass again.
I'll make more types of grass and birds/critters/butteflies. Enemy spawn is another thing that needs to get fixed. And glad you liked the cat.
- If you enter through the Secret Cave after the Candle, the Forest doesn't have the dark Tint applied. Not going into the Forest Dungeon aswell, I'll do the Tent for now.
Do you mean where you find the cat? I'll fix that one as well.
- Your Doorways are only enterable on the lower half. The Bat Room does nothing. And shouldn't the Tent look more like a Tent inside?
- Why do I not spawn at the beginning of a Dungeon if I die? But the Dungeon still saves my Progress, even up to the number of Enemies I killed in a Room.
I don't understand what you mean by doorways are only enterable on the lower half. I do need better dungeon designs, I feel like I'm still working on mechanics and I've been kinda delaying it, which again why all dungeons have same tileset, they all will end up having unique tilesets although yellow stone was actually intended for the tent dungeon. And I will change the respawn point next dd.
- I can not light the Bracers with my Torch? I hope the Moles are at least an Indication for me getting a Boomerang-like in there.
I'm not sure what you mean by bracers. Star spell is the boomerang since it stuns a little bit and kills weak enemies, but it also bounces a lot so it's not exactly the same item.
- Slimy Stuff for the Witch isn't actually a Slime, Minislime or Slime Projectile, ok.
That's actually a great idea, maybe you could catch a slime projectile with the jar and get the witch out instead of butter, I might make that.
- MiniRug doesn't work on the Water below the Tent. Why? Can't progress anywhere, so Time for another Dungeon. I'll do the Spirit one next, Lava seems like its supposed to be last. Realized I have hundres of Crystals at this Point, guess I'll be casting a lot then. Spells feel underwhelming tho. I don't need the Stun, it doesn'T work on high health Enemies, and low health ones are no Thread, the Zap costs Money which I may still need, see the Jar, the Bomb was only used once so far, and I have no Familiar to summon anyway. Items seem better, the Candle can at least burn down Bushes, altho it only was useful once so far, the Rug only seems to work on Lava, and the Amulet does something I suppose. the Ring is nice if I actually ever where on the Star, I just keep the Jar open all the TIme to check what I can fill into that. So far a Fish. Fish also doesn't work in the SpiritTemple as a Weight. Ok.
You can reach the potion below the tent with teleportation, combining lighting with jar and reusing jar afterwards sends out a star that teleports you to where it lands. I might change lightning spell to chain lightning and star spell works better for the enemies that you need to hit from behind. And amulet once it's charged on it's own sends out small beams from your weapon to get the range a little bit more, but I will change the effect with each weapon to get it more powerful and covering more ground.
- Spirit Dungeon is a lot harder. Due to the Fact I loose almost all my Health walking back there, so I have to basically do it with 1 health. Neat, I now have Butter and a Moth Familiar. And a Block too I guess. Again the Items seem more interesting then the Spells. Also a not working FireToken, and no Idea what to do with the Floor Symbol. Guess no Chest and Lifetoken for me. Entering the Crab Area that Leads to the Tent had me take a Damage for no Reason. And if you pick up the Butter with a Fish next to it, you pick up the Fish and the Butter disappears aswell.
I wasn't sure if fire token should upgrade or if it should be some part of a quest yet, and hopefully butter reappears after you change the rooms.
- If you activate a Stone Guardian, it stays active if you leave and reenter the Screen after dying. But the inactive one spawns aswell, so you could have endless Stone Guardians active I suppose. Also got Dorothy, but there aren't any Statues, or I don't recall there being any. Into the Lava Dungeon!
Thanks for noticing it, you could have endless stone guardians actually so I'm going to fix that. Statue is 2 screens above from where the witch teleports you first.
- Which has that Room with the Invisible Teleporting Enemies, right. Guess I'll spam Bombs or something in the Hopes of finding them. Also I have my Moth now, to help me. Didn't know it damaged Enemies. Nice Lighting in a Jar.
- Lighting Boss's laser doesn't disappear when the Boss dies.
I'll fix that lightning as well. I wanted for that boss to have one more attack but didn't know if it'd be hard especially with respawning way outside.
- Got a second Soul Crystal for whatever Reason, no Idea where to go next, and a cramp in my Hand thanks to having to stretch over from XC to Z. I'll end it here.
Soul crystals fragments add up to a very round crystal that when I set up I thought with maybe with each crystal it can do something more powerful but haven't used it yet. It's also the triforce of this game basically it'll open the last dungeon.
- Needs some Music, less Enemies at once, and more different Uses for the Spells/Items. Also some better Feedback on getting hit/hitting Stuff, and general Soundeffects, and a different ControlScheme. At least minorly, XCZ+Shift is annoying if it isn't in one row, and even if it is, theres still Keys between there, and constantly reaching over with the little Finger to press Shift can get hurtful aswell.
I'll add the alternative the keys to wasd/jkl and space instead of shift. Not sure when I'll tackle the music but I know someday I will sit through it. And you're I think the second person mentioning hitting feedback, which I thought was pretty obvious from the slash effect but I'll take another look at it.
- *Edit: I didn't Time it, but you have at least 1-2h of Content already.
I know some of that is rewalking to dungeons but hopefully with more secrets and events scattered in the final version I'll have around 4-5 hours of content, Thanks for playing and I hope you enjoyed it!
Glad you enjoyed it!
- I think the NPC text that comes up could do with a better font. it feels very operating system, not very "magic fantasy". Something a bit more whimsical would fit better.
I'm not sure if there's font problems but I kinda like how it looks, sort of reminds me of the old crpg fonts which too were bit a operating system I guess.
- the story got me a little confused. at the end of the tutorial, there was a room with a bag that i couldnt seem to interact with. i went back down and was back in my living room. When I went outside, a girl was hiding behind a rock talking about a monster, but I didn't see a monster. So I bombed her ass, and she ran away.
The rock was the monster, it gets on his feet and starts running once you bomb, maybe I could show that better.
- There were a few empty screens, then a witch sent me to the desert. She said no one was supposed to be guarding the crystal, but I had no idea what she was talking about. Then someone on a broom crashed into me and also said something I didn't know who she was or what she was talking about. I know I sound like a damn Alzheimers patient right now but I was pretty confused.
I just checked and the crystal on the portal stone gate thing doesn't show, it was supposed to fly offscreen as you get close and then you see the witch getting it basically, I need to fix that so thanks for bringing it up. And I know right after that the witch crashing you is bit much but I wanted to make sure people see it, I will put her first encounter somewhere further away.
- The staff attack looks good, but its quite unclear when I hit an enemy. I swing, and then even if there is no visual overlap, the enemy disappears a second later.
That's actually a new addition, enemies used to poof immediately but now they linger for a tiny bit more to make it more impactful I guess. And I believe every successful staff/sword attack has slash animation and if you're hitting something with a shield there's a diamond kinda indicator. Perhaps I should make a test dummy to teach more about it.
- please dont force me to watch the hat fall all the way to the ground when i die :D
You can press down and fall faster, but that whole screen might change soon so you won't have to!
Thanks for your feedback, I'll fix the crystal bit next dd if I won't remake whole start of the game.
Thanks for your feedback.
You did a lot actually I'm surprised you missed the key in the first dungeon. You have to push one of the blocks like the cauldron in the beginning tower if you played around with it.
Visuals are sort of final but anything that stands out to me I tend to change. And I plan to add more busywork tiles and get each screen less uniform at some point.
Movement delay is intentional that once you come to a full stop and want to attack behind you or something you don't get in their face. And attack delay goes away once you get the cup item from the tomb. Drop rates aren't final yet but was working ok enough so far, still need to make an adjustment to it but I want to keep it that way instead of magic bar or something. Items and spells are basic but I think they work, also you can combine them which makes it bit more interesting. And set piece bosses will not be hard, they're more of a visual change and to keep players guessing what might happen next.
Story wise I probably do need someone elses help or something both with dialogues and to convey what's going on. But yeah more events will happen later in the game and I want to redo the beginning of it.
I agree dungeons don't have much else than enemies until you get to boss right now, and it desperately needs the spawn point change on death inside dungeon. With the laser room all you need to do is attack around and find the enemies, but there's an item that's not in the game yet(although you can upgrade from menu sun icon thing if you haven't died) where you dash through the star spell and it turns into dust and shows invisible enemies that's around you. Although you didn't get the ring that makes you dash because it was in the hole of that diamond thing in the tent dungeon.
Thanks for playing and I'm glad you had fun!
Thanks for playing the game!
You can upgrade stuff with enter button from the menu but that's only for the demo, in the final game you'll be only able to upgrade it when you get the correct item. I will make the player completely stationary while the menu is open next dd.
Attack delay goes away once you get the upgrade for it. I might end up changing it if I feel there's some other better upgrade instead but that's so far intentional. So does the slow magic, with star you can launch it towards your attack direction in high speed when you attack it with your weapon, lightning ball becomes sort of a mini laser lightning instead of guided projectile(was thinking of arclightning but so far I didn't make that), and bomb kinda slides ahead a little and explodes with the first enemy or wall it touches.
Movement doesn't have any friction. Once you come to a full stop (whether by not moving or attacking/using spell in place) it has a delay that if you want to attack behind you or something you don't move right into the thing you're attacking but only face it. But I'm not sure about the tapdancing in place, might be a bug that I haven't seen. And I need to make a proper system for every sound and music in the game including walking sounds.
Acorns drop from certain kind of enemies only. With each 10th kill that you didn't lose health on you either drop an acorn or fairy, but the whole drop rate isn't adjusted that well so far. I thought randomizing like this would be enough but I should make more drops throughout just from exploration.
You can press down to make the hat fall faster in the start/death screen. That whole screen reasonably confuses some people and I plan to change it, which makes me delay working on it since I'm going to change it anyways. But that start menu and death screen will be different.
You were lucky with the crystal drops though they have the biggest drop chance. Enemy projectiles actually use player's actual collusion mask instead of hitbox mask to make them bit harder. And while testing I probably got used to them so the speeds and everything doesn't bother me that much but I understand it might be a bit too much and slowing earlier enemy projectiles might help.
You can get the witch unstuck. If you go through the tomb dungeon thing in the woods you can burn the bushes for a shortcut to village and there's a lady with cow that you can get the butter from. You can jar the butter and get the witch unstuck that way, afterwards you can call her for fast travel to statues(which there's only one of so far).
I try to keep things secretive in the game instead of telling players you can attack the spells or if you kill the toads this will happen to give them the feeling of discovery. And I try to keep it charming by scattering npcs and tiny events throughout, hope you liked what you seen so far but there's some more content in the works. And thanks for your feedback.
Thank you for playing. I'm not sure how to polish with some stuff since when I add new things polishing seems like it would be better after added content is somewhat finalized, although not always.
Laser room has two invisible enemies, which can be seen with shattering the star spell around them with dashing through it. Which the item pickup of it isn't in the game yet, but you can activate it from the menu.
At some point I was planning that mc getting his hat after doing the tutorial owl bits or a mini dungeon of sorts, with sort of a minish hat beginning with daylight and fair and whatnot. But it's a lot of work which I need to focus on the overall dungeons and bosses etc. I plan to change the beginning sometime, especially infodump bit. Maybe corridor would be more noticeable if I put the scroll that way, or something eye-catching for now.
I also like the 8 directional attacks, I like the stabbing zelda attack but it's very limited compared to alttp slash so 8 direction is best way to go I think.
Same page spells and items can be combined. I do understand it's not quite like picking an item in zelda and binding it to a key but I think it becomes even faster compared to that once you're used to it and collected all the items. Also combining spells/items won't get confusing that way.
I should probably let someone else who's better with words write the whole thing. I know what the story will be but I realize I'm not good at conveying that so far.
And I do want tiles to be very readable and sort of looking like the first zelda (if you squint hard and have really bad eyesight) so I'm probably going to keep them very square-ish and color wise uniform, but I will add some more screen weather effects and color transitions that'll kinda break the uniformity a bit. And little more deviations on background or stuff like moss and mushrooms etc would help with overall monotony, but drawing all those take time and not a priority right now but it will change as I add stuff.
Oh, the zora, while it does look very anatomically correct I don't think there was any nipples, although does seem so. And English isn't my first language so I'm planning to get it checked or even some bits rewritten at some point, still even the display has issues like appearing while transitioning through rooms and some shifting with resolution change from menu which I know the reason of but I feel like I might find a better way to show text so I delay fixing it.
Thanks for your feedback!
Very cute menu.
I try to keep it visually coherent but also somewhat cute, it's still not final but I think close to it.
Bit too many prompts all at once to start with the nine tarot cards, especially since you don't start with a weapon or any items
Maybe save most of it for the tutorial, or when you actually get weapons and items?
I also didn't see any way to review it once the game proper got started
I was thinking of possibly collecting the cards and revisiting on the menu for that reason, I think it's bit of an infodump but not the priority at the moment but maybe next dd it will be done.
Bit distracting that Mundo changes direction when you use the arrow keys in the menu
I will fix that next dd.
Owl tutorial is nice and thorough, but the dialogue is a little slow
I thought giving the owls a moment like they're thinking instead of immediate response would be better but yeah they're bit too slow, so going to change that as well.
No sound when picking up hearts?
(nice boss other than that and the lack of sounds btw)
Could really use some sound when you pick up healing
Come think of it, most of the time I took damage there was no sound at all.
That and the lack of any music was probably the most major issues with the game.
Sounds and music is a big lack in the game which is starting to accumulate, for pickups and stuff I have the mechanisms working but not the sounds, for some of the other stuff I don't have sounds, music or an idea how music should behave but hopefully once I put the sound/music volume bar in the menu most of those things will be practically done.
Nice touch having different sprites for left and right; but you're not getting a lot of use out of it, are you?
Idk what much to do with that honestly, I don't want to make it more complicated.
Waterfall secret's a little TOO obvious. Cave could use a little secret of its own.
I actually might put a mini dungeon there but waterfall was a last minute thing right before the dd just in case people has hp issues with the mindflayer boss.
You can't just steal the green witch's broom when she gets stuck?
You need to get butter from the village so she can slide out and then you can call her to carry you to the last statue you activated.
Got real tired in my finger when spamming the attack button during magic carpet boss
Both the lamia boss and the dragon boss aren't completely done, but I wanted to show it in the dd also you need the rug to move over lava, normally you won't be able to upgrade that menu circle icons from the menu but only with item drops.
Dragon boss seemed pretty cool, but the controls were sluggish on the broom.
That's actually intentional although people think it's not, I think with the wind effect and moving clouds in the background and sound it might make more sense, but then again it might not, but delayed movement is my choice.
It was a bit easy once I figured out where to hit it.
Yeah whole shooter bits might end up being more of a spectacle than a challenge.
The "oktorok"s a lot more anatomically correct than I'd expect from the game's style.
Which oktorok?
The skeletons in the island dungeon seem super hard! I think I had some spawn directly on top of when when I walked in the room.
Dungeon monsters start always spawned before you enter and always in the same spot(unless maybe you died to it and re entered and they stayed near the door maybe) so they don't spawn like the monsters outdoors, either way I need to change the whole spawning monster system at some point including dungeons.
You should probably remove the player's keys when they die, it's much easier to just run past enemies and hope you can reach your goal than it is to actually fight them.
I think I'll make key carrying monsters that you can get the keys after you defeat but not a priority right now.
All the dialogue feels a little wonky to read.
Do you mean the grammar or how it's displayed on screen? If it's how the text displays I'm still not sure if I should put a text box in the bottom or top somewhere or just display it on top of npcs.
I had some framerate issues which might be caused by winewrapper thing, but my complaints would be that game needs some sort of better mana regeneration management other than potions and +1 on kill rings, and you don't get the easein/out movement when you pick up items which gets your character to a dead stop and jarring camera movement.
Thank you for the input, first dungeon being pretty much same is only for that, rest of the dungeons won't be like that but I get that I could be more creative with it, developing it still feels bit scattered because I address it from various aspects but once I'm fully confident in items and general feel I think I can be more creative with both the overworld and the dungeon designs, although I will still go for that zelda 1 feel.
For the most part enemies shooting projectiles while in groups aren't quite fair. Except for mermen, those should be thrown at only 8 directions to let you position yourself ahead of time.
basic slimes only shoot in 4 directions, mermaid and sword slimes shoot at your location, I'm planning to make an extra attack frame for the slimes for indication in the next demoday.
Thanks for playing.
Thank you for all that, really valuable
-Let the player control the hat while it's falling on the title screen instead of having to wait for it to hit the ground and/or add a shortcut to start immediately.
You can make it fall slightly faster if you press down arrow, it's not the ideal main menu at the moment but works for now, probably going to change when I find something that works better but not as straightforward as generic game menu, though I know that they're generic because it works.
-I don't know if this is how the game is mean to begin, but you should only explain mechanics when the player first needs to use them, instead of dumping it all on the at the start. Why do I need to know what the attack button is if I don't even have a weapon?
I wanted to frontload all and then remind it again when you get the items, you can read which buttons work for what when you pick it up but tutorial cards being in the same room might work better.
-I can't find any way to turn off whatever the things in the wheel on the pause menu are.
They're only there because of the demo, they're upgrades for spell/item combinations and weapon upgrades etc, there should be a small explanation text on the bottom when you move over them with the quill
-Menu needs a way to speed up the cursor.
it might although like I said menu cursor will be less useful in the final version, you only do the upgrades through menu right now because I'm not done with entire dungeons and items you'll have to collect to get them, but faster might be better
-Z should confirm in menus.
I might change it to that.
-Spellbook repeatedly flips to the same page if you hold down a direction.
Each direction picks one page rather than actually flipping through, it's more like a inventory/spell wheel than a book in function.
-Unless they're used for something else, you could add shortcuts for the different spells to ASDF so you can switch more smoothly while moving.
I feel once you get how 4 direction picks 4 pages it works out easier, might use secondary thing for that but I like the locked position on page change.
-The circle in the first tutorial room is really faint, and draws over the player.
I should put a spotlight there, I should actually light a lot of the rooms better, drawing over the player is because of how light works at the moment but I should be able to fix that.
-Can't go back in the tutorial; it just takes you to the same room you're in.
I don't know what you mean by that exactly. If you mean the last room sends you to the main tower room because I didn't want player to walk all the way back 4 rooms but that whole tutorial room could be better done.
-Text for the bomb owl goes outside the screen.
I just changed the font for this demo and I'll fix it.
-There's no controller support, but there's still vibration. If controller support just isn't fully implemented yet, pressing any key on the keyboard should disable vibration until you press something on the controller.
Controller works weird in gamemaker, it doesn't work at all in my mac and I can use it on windows, there was a way to cycle the picked controller number, I think if you press 9 it cycles but controller isn't on focus right now because I develop on mac but once I find a controller that it works with I'll be able to fix it better and focus on it more because I think it really feels better on controller.
-Text from the previous screen shows for a split second before it updates.
That's really annoying and I don't exactly know how to fix that.
-What's the bag at the end of the tutorial supposed to do?
It drops acorn if you don't have any on you, previously monster was blocking the way and you had to bomb it out but in case you used the bomb somewhere else you can go back and get another one from the bag.
-Unless it does something, you shouldn't be able to pick up hearts when you're at full health.
I can see how it might be annoying if you picked it up with weapon or something then got hit, I might look into that.
-Slimes need to telegraph their projectiles.
I'll see what I can do, they freeze before attack but I should make them pose instead of freeze.
-With how stingy the game is with acorns, you should be able to tell whether a wall is destructible by attacking it.
There will be some obvious and some not obvious bombing/burning spots in the end, secrets aren't fully developed yet because I'm still working on the world map. Drop rates overall aren't well adjusted as of now, but there are monster types which the 10th monster you kill without getting hit definitely drops either acorn or fairy or flower, although they're not obvious at all.
-Wall collision is off; the doorway blocks me at this height and I need to go further down to be able to leave.
Thank you for letting me know, I just fixed it, my misplacement. Walls and tiles are on different layers so I sometimes make mistakes.
-Is the bat room on the left in the tent dungeon just a pointless dead end? If it is, don't have those. There needs to be at least something in there.
Yes it's just a room, it's not much of a challenge but some rooms can use more rewards, although I don't mind dead end rooms.
-Opening the menu doesn't pause the game.
-Dying in a dungeon should respawn you in the dungeon.
I think that'd be better, I should implement some way to do that, I believed that walking is fast enough to get around but I understand it can be very tedious.
-Same thing as the slimes with the moles. They don't even need to look at you to throw their picks.
I'll look that up, I thought they did but maybe it's not telegraphed well, I feel like they had their arms up or something.
-Can't go through the door on the right in the room with the 3 fairies in the tent dungeon.
That's odd I just checked and I can see the locked door in the room editor but shadow tile overrides it in the game, you should be able to get in with a key even with shadow tile visible on top, it is the room to the boss which is a bad mistake on my part, but I believe it's fixed on the version I'm working now, thank you for pointing that out.
-The darkness effect is applied on top of NPC text, making it barely visible.
I'm aware of those, I'm in-between of deciding redoing entire text or keeping it how it is and polishing those out, once I feel one way about it I'll fix them, either way won't be like that on final version.
-Didn't have time to read the text that popped up when picking up the ring.
You can read item descriptions from the menu. I'm not sure how long I should keep the item description time but some feel short some feel long, it's on a set timer right now so I'll have to figure something out.
-Why are items tied to spells instead of it letting you select them separately?
You can combine items and spells on the same page after you upgraded it from the menu with the red circle things.
-Those knights you need to attack from behind move too erratically. Stunning them barely helps.
I think lightning works on them the best but they do move erraticly, I can iron that out and keep them in one direction at least set amount time maybe or when you stun.
-Either make the bats in the floating head boss room respawn when you die or don't have them there at all and make the boss more threatening.
Respawn might work, my intent originally was skeletons and boss would be summoning them but thought maybe they'd be too much, I'm still figuring things out, next time might be skeletons.
-The collision box for the web the spider girl throws at you extends further than the sprite.
Spider boss aren't fully done yet, just a thing to keep you slow until the cutscene and you can burn it up.
-Leaving a screen with an NPC without walking up to them will show their dialogue for a split second when leaving the screen.
Again same issue with showing text split second, idk how to fix that exactly but I'd love to.
-I assume there's nothing to do yet in the area with the spider girl.
There isn't anything there yet, it'll be third dungeon eventually with spider as the boss.
-The broom girl is easy to miss. You should make the trigger box wider so that it covers the entire width of the screen.
Do you mean the hollow tree? I want people to kinda stumble upon it but might make it little larger.
-The moth familiar should lag behind the player a bit when moving.
The whole moth spell thing will change, they were originally kind of a shield that stops slow curses from lamias etc and a buff on weapon with both changing how crystal item works but I think it's bit too complicated, so I might keep the buffs and simplify them and make moths behave differently, not exactly sure at the moment.
-Couldn't figure out how to activate the teleporter next to the chest on the little island.
Once you upgrade the moon symbol from menu you can use the jar on lightning orb and if you use the jar again it sends a star that teleports you where it lands, or teleports you to the other teleport stone.
-Movement during the dragon boss feels really bad. Instead of decelerating (which should be very quick) when you let go of the arrow keys, you just keep moving at normal speed for a while before you come to a full stop. Also, it feels like there's a delay when switching directions. Make the movement speed slightly faster.
I'm making it a little bit delayed because flying broom and there will be windy misty clouds floating through in the final version, you're basically controlling another object that broom follows it's why it feels delayed because it is.
-If there's no charge ability or anything when on the broom, just make the attack automatic while holding down Z instead of making the player mash it the entire time.
It's on development phase at the moment, I just wanted to show the dragon so nothing in there is final, definitely thinking about big bomb kinda attack alongside shield.
I'll fix the text errors as soon as possible, thank you for playing my game.