I don't have much to say on some of the topics, so I'll just talk about things I noticed specifically:
Gameplay - It's a bit frustrating navigating around the map, I couldn't tell which tiles were and were not walkable, and often NPCs walking along the path would block me entirely. I think that could have been part of the point, from what I could understand from the dialogue? That these characters were plunged into a strange new... reality? Where physics and the like didn't apply in the normal way it's supposed to. There may have been more to explore in the house, but with how vague some of the dialogue was (even arguing whether or not the building, or even the ground was even real) I'm not even sure if there was or not? I was convinced that there might have been a key in one of the chests, but due to the difficulty navigating the map I don't think I was able to reach them all, so I gave up.
Story - The story was fine, I think it was trying to display a horror that was difficult to capture though, and I'm not sure the game conveyed it well. Most of the NPCs are dazed at being transported to this place, and I think possibly put into new forms as well. Some mention that they maybe were doctors or psychologists once, others possibly astronauts, or even aliens? A lot of them express a kind of vague horror at being unable to comprehend their situation, but their motivations and the way they speak is so similar that I didn't realize they were meant to represent different people until I went back and talked to them after fighting this tall guy, and they had different dialogue. It's not a bad premise but everything felt very confusing... I thought it was meant to be at first, until I talked to one pig looking guy way up top and the player characters started giving their own, vaguely philosophical opinions on the house and I realized that even they had a better idea of what was going on than I was. So I don't know.
Horror - The game talks about other people's horror a lot, so there's that. I think it's also trying to capture a horror that may be difficult to convey... The mechanics themselves played more like an adventure game than a horror one? I noticed that a lot of the menus and even the items you can get, and that one "boss battle" you can fight contributed to this. I know the menus probably took some time to set up, so I'm wondering if this was meant to have more of those aspects?
Theme - I think at one point some dialogue mentions something beneath the earth, but then contradicts itself but arguing whether or not it even exists... It's not bad in terms of the horror the game is trying to convey, but I'm not sure how well it fits with the theme of this jam.
Good work, it would be interesting to see how the game would be with a bit more polish. I do think there is some great horror potential here, even in subverting the typical rpg adventure format in order to reveal a greater cosmic or existential horror, if indeed that is what you were going for.