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Gameplay - It's always tricky to implement gameplay which takes control away from the player and have it be interesting or scary rather than frustrating, but I thought it was done fairly well here! I think it's helped by how short the game is and that the game has a kind of autosave that kicks in during some scenes (though how, I'm not sure since it seemed to remember some actions but not others). The glitchy effects themselves were pretty cool, short enough that it wasn't frustrating but often enough and long enough to help make the game very interesting to play. Besides the maze, the ramen, and the "dream", there weren't a lot of gameplay mechanics to interact with, which is a shame. It would have been interesting to have a few more scenes like in the dream, figuring out certain puzzles while dealing with (or even using??) the glitches.

Story - The story was very good! There was enough in the beginning to get you interested and invested, especially when I happened to open up a crate and found a picture of his daughter. What would cause a man to venture down and commit himself to living underground, especially if he was just starting a family? I think the ending also helped tie everything together in a very satisfying way, even if it was a little sad.

Presentation - I loved all of the effects used in the game! Even from the start, the small arrow to select, the way lighting works, the glitches themselves were all very cool.

Creativity - I think a lot of this game was very unique, especially even how it takes the theme and mixes it with other things such as technology.

Horror - Horror can be a hard thing to pin down sometimes, and subjective too. I really liked this work, but I feel like it possibly could have used some more horror elements? Or at least, I think this game had a lot of more subtle horror, but because it's so short it doesn't give you a ton of time to let it sink in all the way. I think if it took a bit longer and built up the glitches more, put the dream later, and gave the main character more lines that were more distressed, that it may have been more effective. I think especially the main character, I would have liked to see him get a bit more scared at things, or at least be more stubborn about decisions. If he were more resistant to going outside, even when we needed to, or if he responded more to the glitches that were happening instead of it feeling like it was just happening to us.

Theme - This game fit the theme pretty well of course!

Overall, good work!