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Good work!

Some feedback:

  • Good UI aesthetics and design
  • Cute monster and characters
  • I like how the audio helps indicate that there's something new in the room (ghosts) and lets me know to watch out for them.
  • Camera can be a bit finicky when transitioning between two rooms (the ghost room and the room above it)
  • Another keybind like press R to reset the level also. When I lose often, I don't like that I have to lift my hand off the keyboard to click Retry. It'd be nice to also press "R" to retry on that screen.
  • Input feels a bit stiff? But doesn't hinder gameplay that much.
  • I couldn't figure out how to get past the wall. There's apparently a button somewhere according to comments, but I couldn't find it. I think the game was a little too dark for me.

But I still had fun playing your game, good work :)


Hello! thank you so much for taking your time to play and giving a really comprehensive review to the game. Our artist and UI designer are really delighted that you like the arts and UI. From the review given, I will improve the game in the future to add more QOL stuff as you said. I really liked the idea given about adding keybind to reset the level :D. from the input wise, I will refactor the code back in order to improve the player input feeling. also, for the button xd try to explore more on the room where there is 2 fire monster are waiting B) I guess I also need to brighten the room a little bit in the future xd... nontheless, really love the review given and again, thank you so much!

Thank you for playing our game and for your feedback!