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(1 edit)
  • The player indicator at the start is even more annoying this time. I know which character is mine when there's only one.
  • Get rid of the pause at the start of each level. It's not needed. It just breaks the flow of the game. Put the level name in the top left instead.
  • Add a restart option to the pause menu.
  • The enemy counter is unnecessary.
  • It took me a couple seconds to realize the L and R icons in the shop were referring to the mouse buttons and not clicking the sticks on a controller. I've never seen anyone do that before.
  • I didn't even realize I died the first time it happened. It just kicks you back to the main menu without even telling you why.
  • Needs a frame rate limit option.
  • The alt fire shouldn't lock you in place. It can slow down your movement, but it shouldn't stop you completely.
  • Items you already have shouldn't spawn in the shop.
  • You enter the dungeon by just walking into the door, but you have to click to leave the shop. Make it consistent.
  • The hitbox on the secondary shot explosion lingers. Hitboxes for explosions should only last for one frame.
  • The player's hitbox is too big. It should be slightly smaller than the model.
  • Bought the book item and my first aid kit disappeared.
  • The alt fire is still useless in combat even with the book. The speed is barely increase and it just gets shot down by enemies even if you try to aim to their side.
  • The alt fire projectile explodes when you complete a level; I hope that can't damage you.
  • If you only have two inventory slots, what are you meant to spend your money on other than health? If you're planning on adding better items that only become available later, then spending money on early items is just a waste of money.

You said you wanted this to be a methodical game that slowly builds up in intensity, but that's undermined by the rogueshite mechanics. Why do you have to suffer through the boring early game to get to the part that's actually challenging every time you die? Instead of a smooth increase in intensity, you just end up repeating the low-medium-intensity parts over and over. It's disrespectful of the player's time, as well. Just make it linear and let me save the goddamn game. You seem to want it to be some kind of puzzle-like type of thing, but like I said last time, there's no incentive to bounce projectiles other than saving yourself from the arduous hike needed to get a direct line of  sight. No scoring system, no time limit, no limited movement, no bonuses from bounce kills. Regardless of what your intentions were, at its current state the game is simply a painfully slow shooter, and that's what people will judge it as.