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even the last one should probably be "Weed", right?

<<if $IntoxicatedWeed gt 0>>
<span style="font-size: 0.9em;">🌿 How High:</span>

    <span style="color:#137945;font-size: 0.9em;"><<if $IntoxicatedWeed gt 0 and $IntoxicatedWeed lte 2>>//Slightly stoned//
    <<elseif $IntoxicatedWeed gt 2 and $IntoxicatedWeed lte 4>>//Half-baked//
    <<elseif $IntoxicatedWeed gt 4 and $IntoxicatedWeed lte 6>>//<<= "3/4">> baked//
    <<elseif $IntoxicatedWeed gt 6 and $IntoxicatedWeed lte 8>>//High as fuck//
    <<elseif $IntoxicatedDrinks gt 8>>//Up to the sky!//



you really debug this game 😂 Thanks I look into each of your comments individually 😊