Cute art!
The thing with the day 1 flashing has been a head-scratcher since forvever. Since the game is an RPG I don't want to make the lewdness requirements too strict - who isn't too say that your Aura is maybe prude but also considers the quest of world saving to matter too much for some simple pantsu showoff to matter? Especially since the alchemist one is very powerful. However, it does have the unfortunate downside of enabling the day 1 chain of going Alchemist -> flash boobs -> etc since each of them enable the next lewd event.
I'm going to try running with a minimum lewdness of 1 for the alchemist 1, then all exhibitionism events would have at least 1 minimum lewdness (which can be decreased by one of the first happiness drains), and Aura would at least not be able to do this chain day 1.