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It's an interesting concept, but I can't really seem to grasp what's going on exactly.  Like others have pointed out, it was written more like a novel than a visual novel: no change in characters emotions, character text written in one chunks as opposed to split up over multiple  textboxes, no character names shown...

It's a bit too difficult to follow @_@ but it has a very interesting concept going for it and I think the art and music direction are on point for what this story was meant to achieve!

Good job!

Well, if the text box can accommodate why split them up? It's a funny contrast, but for the bitsy game others complained about the box being too small, and so too few words that fit... with regards to character emotions, they do change slightly at times, but as with most VNs it's subtle, as they're static images (certainly not as dynamic as anime). Character names... are they needed if they appear visually?