One of the first posts in my dev diaries was about the difficulty of writing anything right after a release. Things haven’t changed. Last couple of weeks I’ve been mostly refactoring and making preparations as well as various small tweaks. So not much to show just yet, but here’s a few words, so you don’t think I’m getting lazy.
The most important improvements for 0.5.3 relate to moving and mishap handling. For instance, there will be new modules to ease the movement; perhaps a ramming weapon that would make collisions more rewarding so the movement could be utilized in battles. I’ve been also experimenting with a more forgiving energy mode, where overheating no longer destroys the energy sources. Instead, functions would just be unusable until energy sources have cooled down. How the cooldown period should work and how it should be visualized, is still to be decided. I will probably add difficulty settings for movement and energy handling. This would enable careless, easy matches as well as devilishly difficult ones.
But the feature I’m personally most excited, is the new team mode. It allows two teams (2-3 players per team, 4 in total) to match against each other. Humans and AI combatants can be freely assigned to both teams, so the current, limited cooperative mode will become needless. More about this in the next post, once I have time to design it more.