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That's a good one. I love the character designs specially, the witch is adorable, and the wizard dude just looks awesome despite being more simple, specially on the cutscenes. Speaking of that, I'm  also always a sucker for little stories on jam games so that have my thumbs up too x)

Gameplay itself is pretty simple tho, but it does it's job fairly well.
My complaints are once again on hitboxes tho, they did feel a little too big for a game that wants me to be constantly grazing bullets, I'm not sure wheter it's the player's or the bullets's, but I did feel like I was taking damage when I shouldn't. This might also be because of the lack of feedback on damage thought, I actually took a while to realize how big the hitboxes were because of that. I was just squeezing myself wherever I saw openings and tought I was doing fine, but then when I blink again I'm suddenly on the grave. I only really realized the hitboxes weren't as small as I was expecting once I started to pay attention to the health bar on the corner.
And the syphon range kinda has the opposite problem, it feels a little too small :P
Like, I need to be kissing the bullets for it to work, and even then sometimes it just doesn't budge for some reason.

I love some of the bullet patterns tho, specially the spiral-loopie-snakie one on the last phase, not only because it looks cool but also because I managed to squeeze myself into one of the loops and machinegun down the boss from there and that was satisfying


Thank you for your comment! 🙂

I am glad you enjoyed the little story bit at the beginning!

Regarding the hitboxes, I was planning to add some more visual and audio feedback for mana recovery and damage, to make it easier to tell where the hitboxes are, because when the player is paying attention to dodging bullets, they will not be looking at the health/mana bar. Unfortunately I did not have time for this in the jam, but this is definitely something I would like to improve.

I am also glad you liked the snake pattern, that one was a bit of a surprise for me as well: All of the patterns you see in the game are driven by mathematical formulas, I was quite surprised when a pretty simple formula got me such a cool looking and pattern that was so satisfying to dodge and siphon mana from. I wanted to put it on the last phase just because of how cool it was 😉