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(1 edit)

*UPDATE* Well, I feel stupid. I played with keyboard my first time and had no idea you could move the star around the entire galaxy LOL It wasn't until I played on controller that I understood the game, so I'm changing up the feedback I left a few hours ago...


  • The music and sounds were on point. The music was relaxing and fitting for the theme of the game.
  • Love the concept of trying to capture the stardust by not just lining the planet up, but dealing with the rotation around the star, as well.
  • The evolution of your solar system with additional planets is a nice touch.


I'm sure this isn't the full game, so this may be in future updates:

  • Star Dust power-ups... for example... maybe blue start dust causes a stronger vacuum that pulls more dust toward you for a small duration? Or maybe the opposite... pushes them away.
  • More progression after you complete a level. It feels, right now, that when you beat a level... it's just a new repeat of the first. Didn't seem more challenging... you just started over. Be nice if we could evolve further, new objects/threats per level, etc. I could see myself playing a few levels and getting bored, so new content/challenges per level would be nice. UNLESS I didn't play long enough and missed it, but I beat three galaxies in a row and the fourth level didn't change.

However, my 2 suggestions are dire. I think you have a great game here! Loved it!