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As a SNES lover, I'm happy that you made a game for this console, and kudos for coding it in 65816 assembly!

I know the game isn't finished, but I really loved this prototype / demo. The Zuma / Puzzloop game mechanics twisted to use the various buttons color of the SNES gamepad is a great idea, especially when played with the SNES controller! :).

Regarding aiming, I like that you could change angle with left/right, but the speed is a bit too high, sometimes it's difficult to aim precisely.

I made it to 4105 points before quitting realizing that levels were looping endlessly. I love the level complete animation btw, simple but efficient.

This is a very promising entry, please keep working on it by adding sounds, some kind of audio / visual feedback, more levels, etc. as your game concept is a great fit for the SNES and it's 4 colored buttons!