I liked it so far, but the sex videos had no real strategy to them. For maximum profit, do whatever is the highest-level act as many times as you can, and always cum immediately.
I would like it to be set up so that you have some incentive to gradually progress and make a more interesting video; like say for instance slow thrusts give you more value early in an act, while fast thrusts give you more value later, so you want to start slow and ramp up. And variety should also be good: doing a blowjob first, then the kneeling cowgirl, and finally the mounted cowgirl should be worth more than just doing mounted cowgirl three times in a row.
There's a natural progression of these acts: Start with the blowjob, then do the kneeling position, and finish in the mounted position. It would be nice if the scoring reflected that.
Instead of being simply: Blowjob = 3, kneeling = 4, mounted = 9, it could be something more like this:
blowjob = 3, kneeling = 4, mounted = 5, but then doing a blowjob before a penetration gets a +3 bonus, and doing kneeling before mounted gets a +4 bonus. (These could be called a "progression bonus"). And there could be a variety bonus: +2 for each new act after the first one. (It could be an extra line: "variety bonus +4")
Then blowjob, kneeling, mounted is 3+4+5+3+4+2+2=23, while the opposite (weird) order mounted, kneeling, blowjob is only 3+4+5+2+2=16, and the (repetitive) mounted, mounted, mounted is 5+5+5=15. Blowjob, mounted, mounted is 3+5+5+3+2=18.Blowjob, kneeling, kneeling would get you 3+4+4+3+2=16, while kneeling, kneeling, kneeling would only get you 4+4+4=12.
A bigger change would involve making thrusting also matter for the score:
You could have energy slowly deplete and value accrue during thrusting, and then color-code the speed bar for the currently optimal thrusting speed; in the green area your score rate is doubled, say. And that green area starts at the left side and slowly moves to the right. Then the best time to cum is when you are already in the green at the fastest thrusting.
This, I realize, would be much more effort to implement.