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A member registered Nov 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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This shit fire

The issue should be fixed now! :) sorry for the inconvenience!

The issue should be fixed now! :) sorry for the inconvenience!

The issue should be fixed now! :) sorry for the inconvenience!

Woah thank you for all the feedback! Yes I'm defenitiely thinking about making the sex more interactive and fun, and the idea to make the variety add to the score is a bomb ass idea! I'll defo think about adding this in the next couple of big updates.

Yep, figured out the issue, had something to do with the cut feature of commenting, uploading a fix in 5 minutes. Sorry for all inconvenience.

Sometime soon! Im waiting to release a demo/alpha for my new game for the patreon, so once I've done that I'll get onto uploading 1.3 here! :)

That means so much, thank you! The game is going to recieve quite a few more updates, such as new characters, new drinks, new machines, upgrades and so much more. Im working on the art for a new character right now, so early access to that will be on the patreon soon after/before new years :)

Thanks for playing! :)) 

Im not gonna change that heuehueheueheuh >:]

hmm yeah, seems likes there must be something wrong with saving. I'll look into it.

my bad, Its a bug I'm currently fixing. Hope you enjoyed the game other than that bug :)

The bug should be fixed now, thanks for letting me know. :)))) and also thanks for playing, what do you think of the game?