Yeah the jumpy imps are adorable.
I made multiple figurines based on other pixelart games, so I should be fine.
the game sound was very low compared to your mic
yes, I am actually not able to boost my output audio any launder without using gain filters and making it sound really bad.
Oh and when the portal is up you won't use up any ammo so you can try out the weapons
That is a very important piece of information. Reloading was still using ammo, no. Like if I equipped a weapon that was half empty, and pressed the R key, and then equipped another weapon, wouldn't that still waste some ammo?
Yes sometimes it was hard to judge which weapons are better, but that's also something players can find out by trial and error just like your runes on the map screen.
I suggest putting tips on a loading screen. I had no idea shooting slowed me down until the right level up popped up. I also didn't think to use shield gun for digging until your own recording last DD, so if you got more things like that, maybe you could share them with players.