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Oh, it's not a bother to talk, ask everything you want to know, and I'll answer you, there are still things I don't know, but I cry out to God, he will give me the answer, says the Bible in Jeremiah 33:3: Call upon me, and I will answer you, and I will teach you great and difficult things that you do not know. And regarding what you said that I am very connected as a Christian in my religion... well, it's true, but Christianity is not what gives me courage to speak, who gives me courage, is Jesus Christ, and the bible says in Philippians 2:6,7 and 8: 6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not usurpation to be equal to God: 7 However, he emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, made in the likeness of men; 8 And found in the condition as a man, he humbled himself, made obedient to death, and death on a cross. If you want to be happy, open the door of your heart to Jesus, forgive your sins, forget your past, he will give you peace, and it will reign in your heart, he will save you from eternal damnation, says the Bible in Romans 10:9 : That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. And it also says in 1 John 1:9: That if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all evil. My friend, Jesus invites you today to be his brother, to have his Father, as your Father too, (not physically, spiritually).and when he comes in search of his Church, you will go with him, and with all those who have believed in him as their savior, what Jesus invites you to do on this day, I did, and I promise I will never regret it, because Jesus gives me TRUE PEACE, Saint John 14:27 says: Peace I leave you, my peace I give you: not as the world gives it, I give it to you. do not be troubled your heart, nor be afraid. If you follow these steps that I told you, you will not die. Saint John 11:25 says: Jesus tells him: I am the resurrection and the life: he who believes in me, even if he is dead, will live. When he says "even if he is dead he will live" he means that we can die in this world, but we will go to heaven. If we die in this world, and without being his children (which is achieved by doing what I told you) we will go to hell, eternal damnation, eternal torment, and there will be no turning back. On the other hand, those who are in heaven will live forever, in happiness, because in heaven, the Bible says in Revelation 21:4: 4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and death will be no more; and there will be no more crying, nor crying, nor pain: because the first things are past.

Accept Jesus today as your savior, and you will never regret it again, if you do not believe me, do it, and you will see that everything I say about Jesus and his promises are true.

If you wait a little longer, you could die, and you would go to hell, and there will be no going back.

The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 2:6:

"...behold now the day of health"

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(1 edit) Islam we have..everyone is responsible for his sins ..I mean if someone kills a child for no reason, God will not punish someone else for that...God Almighty says (God does not wrong the weight of an atom, even if it is  a good deed that He multiplies, and gives from Himself a great reward).  Surat Al-Nisa, verse: 40.

 We, as Muslims, sin and make many mistakes, and this is a natural matter. This is how God created man..But if a Muslim repents of his mistake and tries to avoid doing it again, even if he fails..God is Forgiving, Merciful...We believe that God created us all for one reason, which is to worship Him...  But in order to give us knowledge of that, he sent us the prophets and supported them with miracles... We believe that all the prophets, including Jesus and Muhammad, conveyed the same message, which is the worship of God..But the difference between Jesus and Muhammad is that you find that Jesus was sent to a specific people in his time..but Muhammad was  The last and the last, so it was sent to all people.. With the message of the readers... You learn wrong ideas about Islam... But you have to read the Qur'an as a matter of knowledge in order to understand the Islamic religion correctly so that you can judge justly... I do not need to be crucified  An innocent man, not any man.. but Jesus, the prophet of God, because of a bad deed that I did.... and what makes me sad is that in your holy book, some of the prophets, including Jesus, are insulted in some expressions, and I do not accept that... I love Jesus  And I respect him. When I find him, he says, "Do not alienate me and worship the Father..." so his words will be crystal clear that he does not mean that he is a god...he is a messenger who came with the message of worshiping God alone..there can be no number of gods, and the concept of the Trinity is not logical, and even if you interpret it, you will be confused.  ..I watch many videos in the Preachers' Corner...and many Christians have failed to prove their arguments...if you want, I will give you the channel address to watch..

Friend, you said "lots of Christians"

I know what you're talking about...

I know what they say and I am ashamed to hear it.

But my Christianity preaches Jesus Christ Crucified

Jesus is the Christ.

Those Christians that you say are not of my testimony, my testimony, the one that I defend, and that I would still defend with my life, and that others defended with their lives, is that of Philadelphia, that is the only Christian testimony that still preaches the word as we received it, without changing anything, we, the Philadelphia witness, have answers to your questions, and even if we don't, we will, God said in Jeremiah 33:3

"Call to me, and I will answer you, and I will teach you great and difficult things that you do not know."

I was very sick today... you know?

Well, I prayed to the Father in the name of Jesus, and you know what?


I had no strength at all, and I prayed to the Father in the name of Jesus, and you know what?


Because IT IS WRITTEN, in Job 22:27

You will pray to him, and he will hear you;

And regarding what you said about Jesus insulting himself:

By that, you probably mean when Jesus said it was necessary for Him to die, and rise again on the 3rd day, and do you know how the disciples reacted?

That IS WRITTEN IN MATTHEW 17: 22-23 which says:

22 And while they were in Galilee, Jesus said to them, The Son of man will be delivered into the hands of men,

23 And they will kill him; but on the third day he will rise again. And they were greatly saddened.

It also says in Matthew 16:21-23

21 From that time Jesus began to declare to his disciples that it was fitting for him to go to Jerusalem, and suffer much from the elders, and from the chief priests, and from the scribes; and to be killed, and to rise on the third day.

22 And Peter, taking him aside, began to rebuke him, saying: Lord, have compassion on you: in no way should this happen to you.

23 Then he, turning, said to Peter, Get away from me, Satan; you are a scandal to me; because you do not understand what is of God but what is of men.

Now, I don't want to offend you, but I tell you this:

You say you love Jesus, and Peter loved Jesus very much, that IS WRITTEN in Saint John 21:17

"...Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you..."

Now, Peter loved Jesus, but he didn't want him to die on the cross, you don't accept that either, you say he didn't deserve death, which is true.

But Jesus said in Luke 9:22

Saying: The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders, and the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and rise again the third day.

If Jesus said "it is necessary" it is because he was, otherwise, he would have lied, and would have been a sinner, thus deserving death, even if it was for a single sin.

Because the Bible says in Romans 6:9 that "the wages of sin is death"

Peter didn't understand that, just like you don't understand it either, and Jesus told Peter in Matthew 16:23

23 Then he, turning, said to Peter, Get away from me, Satan; you are a scandal to me; because you do not understand what is of God but what is of men.

Peter, he must have felt very bad, Jesus himself told him "get away from me, Satan; you are a scandal to me"

Today Jesus offers you Salvation, (I already told you how to accept that gift from God) for which He died to make it possible for sinners, even for you.

And Jesus said in Saint John 14:23

Jesus answered and said to him, He who loves me will keep my word; and my Father will love him, and we will come to him, and we will make our home with him.

If you really love Jesus, you will keep his Word, within his word, it is said by himself, that "it was necessary for him to die, and to rise again on the 3rd day" (Luke 9:22)

If you think there are other ways to go to heaven, you are deceiving yourself, because the Bible says in Acts 4:12

And in no other is there health; for there is no other name under heaven, given among men, by which we can be saved.

That name is Jesus. And today He invites you to be saved, through the sacrifice He made💖

Accept it, and you will be saved, I already told you how you must do to accept it, if you ask me, I will repeat it, but I want you to know that by not accepting the gift that God gives you, you are rejecting the Only Begotten Son of God, who is Jesus, and condemning yourself, He Himself said so in Saint John 3:18-19

18 He who believes in him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is already condemned, because he did not believe in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

19 And this is the condemnation: because light has come into the world, and men loved darkness more than light; because their deeds were evil.

I know that..and there are many bad people who do heinous acts in the name of Islam..but we do not take them into consideration....I want to say that my faith in the Islamic religion is very cannot be shaken...and because I am not very knowledgeable about Christianity, I am lacking  Lots of experience to show you the contradiction in the Christian religion... My viewing of dialogues between Muslims and Christians made me decide who is right... In the end, we have to respect each other regardless of religion... In terms of supplication... I asked for a lot and a lot from God and He answered me  ...the matter cannot be evidence of the sincerity of the discussion...I mean if you pray and ask for something and you are answered..and the same thing happened to me..who among us is right??...thank you for everything