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(1 edit) (+1)

Hi I am part of the Feedback Quest and I reviewed your game. The VOD is up if you're interested in the Review.

VOD Link:

So some feedback. Honestly, at the start, I was genuinely star struck at the beginning that I almost forgot to actually review the game. It shows how interesting the game was to me.

The negatives I'd need to point out and so did my chat was that the Character Models did not fit the world. The characters were a bit more detailed and the world was super low poly. I think adding some minor texture details or some PBR stuff might aleviate this issue. Its not a big deal but something to consider. Also I am aware its a demo but I fear it might spill into the full game but scare payoff wasn't entirely worth it. I felt let down when the horror moments were supposed to start. I also feel like the game might benefit from a Zoom feature to inspect certain details. 

Another problem I noticed but this is entirely personal, is that it is Naggy. I feel like being told too much and such leaves me feeling pushed around. I want to experience the world that was made and to explore the small space. To do certain things and get immerssed. I feel giving players some freedom will benefit this game highly.

As for the positives. A lot. A lot lot lot of good. I love the game. The two perspectives concept, especially when you set the camera down and control like a point and click adventure I feel is GENIUS and harkens back to old school games like Clock Tower. I am shocked and disappointed that no other Devs have thought of this. I also LOVE that tension build up. The subtle noises, the feel of dread everytime I set my camera down. Its genius. I love how the tension is built up but again I'm let down by the actual thing I'm supposed to be scared of. Also bless and thank you for adding the ability to turn off the Camera Bob. I get motion sickness easily so this is such a welcome feature. Overall, I ENJOYED this game and I'm genuinely excited for a full release. 

Personal Rating: 5/5 Amazing. Just simply amazing.

(1 edit)

I just watched the VOD - thank you so much for playing. Your reaction when the ending card showed up, amazing! 

Thanks also for your comments regarding the scares. I'm attempting to go against the "in your face" jump scares and instead wanted to create a build up of tension. In the full game... it should definitely become a lot scarier and further show off why you don't want to put your camera down ;)

In terms of the "naggy" bits - in the demo I didn't want players to get lost, and also had a shorter time with which to explain the mechanics and get them into the game and playing along. There's a fine line between saying too much and the player giving up due to not knowing what to do. Again this is something that should be alleviated when the full game is out and the player has more time :)

Edit: forgot to address the character models! A combination of lighting fixes and lowering mesh quality on the characters has improved this in a later build, but more detail will be added to certain models to make things a little more cohesive too.


yes please. I LOVE your game. Its practically genius. Frankly I can ignore all the faults if you can deliver on the scares. I feel that you've built a lot of tension already, but as I mentioned, the delivery was the only big let down. I agree that the "in your face" type of scare is pretty over done but a the same time, you do need a payoff. I'm not entirely sure how you plan to achieve that but the day your game gets released, I'll be excited to see what you've done.

Hi! I made a clip of your game! Shorts TikTok 

Here they are if you're interested!