Yeah, a cool animation like that was the plan, could have been as simple maybe as just increasing the gravity radius and waiting until everything on the screen is pulled in or something. Or just allowing to continue to collecting on the screen and then unlocking to leave the screen through the top or something like that. Ideas I had many, alas I lacked time 😅
And also experience, which is why I didn’t try my hand at a trail on the bullets, though the thought in fact DID cross my mind. I’ve only properly started my gamedev (and Godot) journey a bit over a month ago now, I’m still wrapping my head around possibilities. Have not yet touched shaders at all, or the shadows would have been done differently too ^^
Been watching a TON of game design stuff over the years though (also recently blogged some recommendations) and now also have a growing book collection ^^
So I don’t mind those questions at all, on the contrary :)