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A member registered Nov 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Very cute and very ​cozy! It feels really nice and chill to manage some clouds and play a handful of levels. It is more difficult than it seems or maybe my brain just relaxed a bit too much (that might be the case lol)

If you want to showcase my game I would really enjoy that! Thank you for the offer. (I am very proud of my game and I’ve got some positive feedback too, although I am still on tenterhooks about the jam finale). Here is my game about not fighting pirates in space: (aka Force Field Shield Calibration Station). Cheers!

Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed and wasn’t bored :D

This was a nice game! If you want some feedback tho: It is hard for me to see the colors well. Especially on the tiles with white fillings. The game is kinda hard but can be really fun if you add more juice. Also asking me to click with mouse every time I go from level to level is a bit unnecessary. Very cool idea. Thanks for the game!

Nice game! Do not feel nice killing the enemies tho, as their only guilt is bringing food? The graphics are really cute and I like it. Anyway, if you look for some constructive feedback, there should be an indicator on enemy for being hit. Also it would be nice to see in what direction the blocks shoot. Anyway, Thanks for the game! I enjoyed it.

Oh I love it. Hard as hell, but fun to play! After fifth try I managed to get through the longer room with bombs (they are hella loud) and then sadly fall through the hole in the floor out of bounds :/ The music, the art, the mood and the theme… everything fits nicely together. There is one thing that bugs me about the gameplay… there is no “Anticipation” in any enemy action. Enemies shoot immediately without any visual clue and they appear out of thin air without any warning. This feels violent (and not in a videogame~y good way). You also should try to clean up UI a bit, the modifiers obstruct vision a bit.

I very enjoyed this game, You nailed it. Great game! Thanks for posting it! I hope to return to this game later.

Thank you! This feels motivating :D

Enjoyed the game! Glad to read that you work on more updates! Good luck! The jumping boss got me as well, it’s extra hard. Cute graphics and fitting music. Thanks for the game!

Oh my, this was beautiful. The game is simple but really charming and heartwarming. I love the storytelling and the aesthetics. Even tho the gameplay is simple and the map feels a bit blunt in comparison to the rest of the art, it is a wonderful take on the theme and I just love it. The focus feels to be in the right place: The story and the message. I also adore the fact that the game is finished by making a lemonade.

There is a small bug. When you buy balloons then leave the store and come back again you can buy a second set of balloons and run out of money. This luckily did not break the game much as the game behaves as if paper was bought.

Thanks for the, I enjoyed it.

Thank you for playing and for the feedback!

Thank you for playing! I am really glad you enjoyed my little puzzles!

Thank you!

Yes, something great was born from me having only one free asset pack with characters (and fantasy lol), and that something was Gundalf the Gunslinger! You nailed your funny dialogues extremely well, so your feedback means a lot! Thanks for playing!

I was indeed aiming for a more relaxing atmosphere as I wanted the player to be free to “just mess around”. That said, there might be extra “challenge levels” in the future ;) They would require additional care with designing their difficulty, something I did not have time for in the jam. Also, they would entirely change the feel of the game, so I need to be careful there. Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

This was fun and nice! It is hard to remember what every creature does, but it was fun to mess around. The GUI is complicated, but given how complicated is the nature of the game, I think you did a good job. Thanks for the game!

Cute, clever, pretty and fun to play! The sixth puzzle felt a bit unfair, because the fact, that nymphs can go to home just by getting to the spot and not just with your help, was never taught before. It is late night here tho so my mind is not as sharp as I would hope it to be. Thanks for the hints by the way. I had a blast and the art is just amazing and the game is extraordinary cute. I want to see more of this! When I read in the description that more nymphs would weight you down my first thought was: not this again! But you made it interesting! Thanks for the game!

This was really great! The second level felt a bit hard then it felt easy again, but it was really fun. Love the army! It was hard to understand everything at first, especially the smithy… I once got scared that the game stopped working, only to realize it was waiting for me to select an enemy… There could be some more intensive visual clue. overall I am very impressed. I had a a lot of fun. Thanks for the game!

Well as far as a concern about tutorial goes… there is basically no tutorial xD Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

This was really good. It definitely has some potential. I like the spontaneous growth of population! That is funny and also good to the gameplay. At first I was like: sure I’ll build a few farms and then I am done… but they are BUNNIES. This got me. I would like some visual clue that I do not have enough resources to place a building, I was looking at a green house and clicking like crazy, silly little me. Thanks for the game!

This was fun! Got overwhelmed by enemies pretty quickly :D The mana system is pretty good, I really like that. I would like to try this with more enemy types, that would be rad! Thanks for the game!

I really like the idea and the visuals, very nice. I simply love the design of the main character and the way you attack! The fighting felt a bit tedious tho, maybe throwing handfuls of money (aka shotgun) would work a bit better, as the camera style makes it inconvenient to aim. I also destroyed a dozen of vending machines first before I found how they work… But anyway, good job, this was fun to try! Thanks for the game!

Oh my this was a beautiful game. the art, the theme the music… all pretty. There were something really satisfying about cleaning all the goo. I love the game. The weapon of choice was also great: wonderful tool for cleaning my mind. The second level was great, the unraveling bridges were a nice obstacle. Thanks for the game!

This was a really nice game! The dash felt really good to use! If you want some (hopefully) constructive feedback, here it goes: The text was sometimes hard to read (white text on a light blue background), and it would be nice to have the dash indicated on the character and not only in the corner of the screen, it was harder to see while playing. Also a tiny design issue I had in the last level: the x on the floor so far indicated that a slash-able object will appear, but now there was a fire that killed me. These are all just small things. The game was really nice and pretty. I enjoyed playing it. The arrow area took me a while, but it was worth it!

Thanks for the game!

Thank you for playing and the feedback!

I am really glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for playing!

Thank you very much! I would love to see that as well so wish me luck please :D

Hi, There is no problem in your smartness, trust me! The biggest design flaw of my game is that it makes people feel dumb even when they play exactly as I wanted them to play! I need to put an extra care to solve that in the sequel. I had this feedback from more sources and it is very valuable, so thank you again.

Thank you for playing!

Thanks for the review. I was actually aiming for it to be solvable by this randomly (I call it instinctive) clicking! But I totally get that it is not for everyone! I am happy you liked the humor!

Hi thank you so much for the review! I can understand that this kind of puzzlesolving might not be for everyone, thank you for playing anyway. There actually is a victory screen with the use for the credits (I think you need around 2 400 of them)… There were supposed to be a shop where you buy new tools for the credits, but I did not have time to implement that. Yes the goal is not that clear as it should be, you are totally right. Thank for the detailed review!

I thought about it but no. I do not have a solution for a better movement. It is very unconventional and that is what makes the game great (aside from other things). Only think that comes to mid is to limit the need for up and down movement, but that seems to be too restrictive for a level design. So the movement probably is the best it can be. It just needs a few moments to get used to :)

This was very fun to play! Also great take on the theme. Had a good chuckle! The game is really hard. Also the dashing feels a bit complicated to use, I often miss a customer right before me. Thanks for the game and great pun!

Oh my this was fun! Great puzzles, great theme and excellent take on the jam theme! Amazing. I love the conductivity parts,that was funny and clever! It would be nice if the buttons would glow when pressed, it was hard to see and the heads sometimes move when one is moved. Also the fire hazard felt really frustrating and it was more disrupting than puzzling. The controls are hard to get used to but it is worth it, I really enjoyed it! Thanks for the game!

Wonderful idea perfectly underlined with the graphics! So stylish, fresh and cool. The microwave sound for the talking was just perfect, I was smiling all the time! The gameplay started to be bit blunt after a while, but that cute faces of the popped-corns! (and I am also sorry from the bottom of my heart for the burned ones) This could maybe work as a great multiplayer game so I definitely see a potential here. Thanks for the game!

Beautiful game. Some backgrounds work badly tho, because there is not much of a contrast between the background and the game objects. Catching fishes was hard, but seeing all the families swimming around was really nice. I have stop seeing new fishes after a while and there were some orphans forever stuck with the babysitters. The heavy theme works in a interesting contrast to the relaxing gameplay. Thanks for the game!

Good start to inventory and craft system! Would be nice if I knew what am I holding as there is no text, that would be a nice improvement. Thanks for the demo and good luck with the bigger project! Also the devlog is cool!

Love that art and atmosphere! Love the short story and I would love to see it developed more! There is a little problem if you exit the scan and return, then you can scan everything again, but other than that the game was great! I also really love the use of the parallax, that also cleverly highlights the scan-able stuff. Good job and thanks for the game!

Thank you! That is actually an interesting topic. Levels with changing pattern feels easier to me as well (and aside from Neon, they technically are) but they also are way harder to understand. So I tried real hard to introduce them in a good time (not too soon and not too late). It was a design challenge I did not expect to face.

So hard, but very fun. A pointer to the goal would be great. I died many times, like really many. Feels a bit blunt without the sounds. I enjoyed it, thanks for the game!