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(2 edits) (+4)

A friendly reminder to everyone that struggle to obtain some CGs during fights, here some help to get them until there is changes in the battle system

I didn't check it correctly last time, but I can now confirm that there is still an useful glitch to loose fights.

Basically, if you're corrupted enough, you can just press the surrender button and then press "no". It'll skip your turn, meaning only your companion will deal dmg. Then, you just pray the RNG God that whoever you are with won't kill the enemies  before you die from their attacks.

Do note it does not guarantee you to loose, it just give you more chance to get defeated.

EDIT: I do not reccomend being with Ray nor Kody, since they do either too much damage or will make you tank far too many attacks, respectively. I actually managed to loose a fight against the slime monster with Max, due to the fact he deal less damage than Ray and one of his ability does increase his attack dmg by 1-but your as well, which render his ability half-useless if you actually never attack.

Has the recent update make getting these cgs easier or are they still broken and nigh impossible to get to without rng bs?