Game is shaping up great, dunno at what % of content you are, but super nice job so far.
Second area is very good. Music also feels much better than area1 (it's super loopy please revise it asap because the first are of the game is the most important one)
random stuff:
In the room 'slot', if you jump on the center pipe you will change room camera for just a sec and you can be hit by a turret shot
Loved the double joke of scope room
"Witness the view" is a fantastic moment, also calamity (I saw on stream that you can actually get killed, so nice job on that).
I liked a lot the intrigue of "time travel kill", and lmao at the button to your gamepage. But since all your game is a joke, I dunno why I should expect a payoff on time travel kill, or all the story.
I'm always harsh, prepare yourself:
Clock boss is visually great, but the battle is boring. If you jump behind him to punch(the only strategy to win as far as I know) for the longest time he has a lingering collider that won't make you hit him from behind. I like symmetry too, but it's bad design to not know if the boss is facing you or not. You need something to let the player know where clock is facing.
General boss opinion. You design great bossfights but they are all frustrating to conquer, because your only weapon is still a shitty punch(dunno if I missed a dmg hat, at least it can be faster). All your boss feels like a lv1+broken sword run in DS. At this point I think it's a joke you are pulling on all of us.
In previous DD I praised the "put more hat and you lock yourself out of some rooms" idea. With the design of second area, I must retract that praise. On the long term being lockout of a zone and suicide on the nearest mob deals a ton of mental damage. It's not fun, just tediousness to stretch gametime.
GL for next DD.