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for hit detection, that's two rays per light source, just to the left and right of the player. for visuals I couldn't tell you, I used godot's built-in lighting system

man that's a lot of fun. got like two minutes in. the rotating head boss is sweet and gives you a lot to think about and to optimise, and I think it's health is configured just right.

excellent game, beat everything fully, no notes

notes: good music, good juice, good palettes, "The Race" has very satisfying cycles, the level intro scenes on the gauntlet are good and quick, and the existence of the gauntlet itself makes for a good optional extra challenge

I'm surprised you were able to play for near an hour lol. while watching I cranked up the shot speed and yeah you're right that's way way better

update: played a bunch more 3206 this game is unreasonably good

took me a little moment to realise that this is just physics-based 2048. brilliant twist. first score 2204, I'll be giving it another go for sure. honestly very top notch game, getting those cascades of merges is very satisfying.

I did hear the narrator, and I do not like its words or voice. I was on the first jump for mmmmm about 20 failed jumps, about maybe ten minutes

I'm liking the main menu and music and button-selection SFX

one thing I really don't like in this kind of game is inability to walk diagonally, especially if some paths are curved. adds a bunch of friction to the common process of getting from point A to point B

this game has much soul like with the gun acquisition animation and character intros and that

STUFF being under Fight is a bit strange. I guess healing yourself is part of fighting but it's not where I would look for the items

navigating with the keyboard in battle is solid

I was slain to death by a ghostly deer. since I am a not-RPG-enjoyer that's probably all I'll play, but the quality seems unreal. even though the art is a bit wonky it's consistent enough that it works. I smell more potential off of this than I smell poop from a cat's litterbox

took me a bit to figure out that a running jump is possible. as a result I thought that the game was a joke and a troll for a bit. or perhaps I was channeling my inner journalist

music is groovy, so is the flashing tileset

dunno what the deal is with carl so I punched him around a bit then ignored him and tried to progress. but then I realised that a rage game involves rage and failure so I quit

Parry mechanics are one of those things that seems good in theory but when I play them I don't tend to enjoy them that much. mostly because I fail at them a lot I imagine.

anyway age of brass is good as always. I last played it when the first prototype was up, and the explanation of parrying is much better now.

bullet form is a cool mechanic too, in general there's a lot of very nice movement tech in this game, gives you a lot of options in how to deal with things.

presentation is stellar, of course.

dunno why but the voice acting seems a bit rough to start with. I kind of got used to it over time.

quirks tutorial:
"Over time, at most three of positive respectively negative quirks can get locked in"
normally typos and bad grammar don't bother me, but I can't tell what this is exactly meant to mean

I love that one of the enemy groups is just called 'Some rats'

With armbinder, the arms are not shown on the in-battle puppets, which makes sense. but the gauntlets are still shown.

when the armbinder triggers at start of turn, it just says false.

status effects being applied at the start of the fight can take rather too long. perhaps make the animations faster or more frequent if there's a lot of them.

there seem to be no chests and brambles and stuff in the middle of missions any more. shame, those added a nice bit of texture to it.

arrow keys on the mission select screen has odd results.

in some situations, stun does not expire.

do not seem to be able to switch weapons on anyone.

oop, you fixed those, good stuff

thanks much for the video

I see you are the greatest of all bug-hunters.

gee that's quite a game. the difficulty is a bit above my level, but the presentation - barring the lack of music - is immaculate. The art, the SFX, the diegetic room number and death count, character animations, all really good. I especially like the death -> respawn sequence. it's very quick but has a lot of stuff going on.

easy level 10, when I slide down out the bottom of the screen while holding right, I end up trapped in the wall at the top when I come back in.

the difficulty curve seems a bit all over the place. nightmare-hard levels followed by easy trivial ones followed by hard ones etc.

I like that it saves your place automatically. I had to quit and restart after the level 10 bug and it was nice to not be asked to beat the first bunch of levels again.

I was doing well against the first 'boss', then died instantly because of an empty deck D:

I like the sub-tooltips that explain what various effects do. standard for card games, but always nice to see. although they didn't show up when I went looking in the enemy's graveyard to see what their cards do.

I had it in my mind from playing previously, that this game was rather clunky and slow. and that's still true a bit, like skipping through the various phases and how the various skip options don't have great descriptions; and how (I assume) you have to go into your inventory to go open card packs instead of just being given the cards directly as a reward. but it's much better than I thought I remembered.

I didn't do much of the titular card-artistry, mostly using premade cards. but from what little I did of it the card editor seems fine. I like the idea of making your own equipment through a run, and that the cost updates to ensure the card you make is more or less balanced. but I wonder if a system of incrementally improving the cards, like patches in Inscryption, would have been slicker. although this does seem like a generally slower paced game than Inscryption, so perhaps not an apt comparison.

the SFX are pretty distinctive.

the 3D-looking room where the cardfights happen looks pretty barebones compared to the rest of the game.

I found that mostly what I was after was minions I could play on turn 1 or 2, and a round was usually over once time came to play 5 or 6 cost cards. although I did get past the 'boss' on another attempt, and caught a glimpse of what seemed to be longer battles beyond. so perhaps the battles are only so fast in the baby beginner area I was playing in.

when, in the village, you drag one team member onto another, I'd expect the two to swap places. instead the second folk is sent back to the roster.

after interacting with things like the pit that overwhelms the senses, the interact prompt still exists until you walk away and return.

there's a lot of symbols and terminology that are lost on me. I think some sub-tooltips on the tooltips, like you often see in card games, would do wonders to clarify things.

it's a very well put together game you have here, seems like. I can certainly get on board with the theme of destroying all rodents without mercy.

I didn't play this last DD but I heard it was really good. and yeah the premise is stellar. glad to see there's secrets, and that the secret money is actually used for something.

stacking up a bunch of platforms and then launching them into an enemy is very satisfying.

good foreshadowing/teaching with the eyes closed == invincible stuff

the narrow corridor bit with the invincible monsters is a very memorable challenge, if a little tedious. I don't think I would recommend changing it though, it works well

cool puzzle boss. I would say it's conceptually pretty cool but even more tedious. forming a plan to get it shot in the correct side at the correct time is nice, but actually executing that plan in time is pretty finnicky. I'd recommend smoothing out the process. for instance, shrinking the boss's hitbox with which it destroys platforms. it was pretty common for me to set up a bunch of platforms in the air, then the boss just barely grazes them and they are destroyed. the boss music is also way louder than the rest of the music, I had to turn it down. and it doesn't loop, the second half of the fight I fought in silence

I don't like the intro. seems like the ambivalent corporate work environment thing has been done to death now between subnautica, going under, satisfactory, deep rock galactic, the surge...

turrets, I often found that when I saw a turret for the first time it was already too late to avoid its fire.  unrelatedly I'd recommend making their bullets bigger and brighter, maybe about the size of the platforms

the art is actually so good. it's completely unmarketable and the screenshots look like amateur hour, but despite that it's presented with such confidence that I can't not like it

took me a minute of trial and error to figure out the rules of what cards can be clicked on when. dunno if I missed a tutorial for the super basic rules of that but given it's slightly different from normal solitaire it would be a good idea to have a note for that.

I like the concept, it's pretty novel and getting big combos are satisfying especially when they work well with your item. however I'd say it's rather too RNG heavy for my liking.

the crunchy sounds are very nice, especially the coin flip at the start and its little animation.

"With the design of second area [...] being lockout of a zone and suicide on the nearest mob deals a ton of mental damage"
was there a spot where you had to do that? I tried to make all the pathways with a considerable height to allow for many hats, but it's definitely possible I missed a spot when doing that

spinning takes a heck of a long time I think, with the board being scanned three times and all that.

a lot of the symbols seem to be ones that create others, and then benefit from those others. essentially the same symbol with a different coat of paint. if I'm choosing between a flower and a mine then the existing contents of my deck are pretty much irrelevant. I'd add more differentiating mechanics. maybe the mine has a chance to create pollution that removes gold, or disables nearby flowers or something. for this reason I also don't think there's too much to think about in deckbuilding. at the moment it's pretty much 'take mines/trees/houses/flowers when they show up'

It is interesting, though, that when new symbols are created by mines and such, they don't stick around. and also temporarily destroy whatever was in their place.

the elephant in the room of course is that this is pretty much just a worse Luck Be A Landlord. if you look at that game you see a lot of symbols that interact with many things: Zaroff kills all humans, lightbulbs I think buff both flowers and gems. symbols that are good early but crap late like coal. there's a lot of personality and difference to the various symbols in that game; a lot to think about. and Lucky Rogue here just doesn't get the old brain-gears turning in the same way. and obviously the art's not as polished.

Look, I like LbaL, and I'd be happy to see more games like it. but you've set yourself up for an unfavourable comparison here. if you're to keep making this I'd recommend focusing on adding symbols that are good in some situations but shite in others, or that have a chance to be very funny like Midas Bomb. Also to find some way to differentiate yourself from LbaL. you want it to be 'Luck Be A Landlord but [something]', some kind of obvious difference that folks can point to. at the moment it's just 'Luck Be A Landlord but Worse'

visuals are top tier here, and for some reason I quite like the floating tutorial text. is the game meant to be completely silent though?

I was enjoying the self-imposed challenge of getting through a combat encounter without getting hit

to be honest I didn't strafe a single time after it was explained, I forgot that mechanic existed. so I have no comment on whether it helps or not

there's a couple of ways to get coins that fall into little spaces, fret not.

it is probably best to not let calamity arrive at all, and to simply run away like you wisely did

ah I see. I think I did the hijacking thing a few times but had no idea what was going on. didn't know if I was getting hit or what

I think you mean 'hire' rather than 'higher'

At the moment it's very unclear how to achieve anything, how to even get to the bit where the game happens. and the 'game' is watching a hexagon move through a path?

ok the concept of this is just incredible. even from just the menu screen the game screams "this is the shit"

it does often take longer than is comfortable to build the mountain of shell casings necessary to get up to the next bit. might be a good idea to have some mechanism to generate them really fast

the existence of platforming mechanics, the ledge grab and walljump, feel unnecessary since you can just make a giant mountain to go wherever you want. but I like their existence, it makes the game feel very extra, which is definitely the tone of the whole game. good inclusion I say

I beat the void lord worm boss by the skin of my teeth, and it's a cool boss although it does have a tendency to rush out of nowhere and slam me. It's also not all that clear when I've taken damage and I still haven't figured out what exactly to do about enemy missiles

I'm a sucker for that thing where you have a 3D game and there's a thing that's just a floating sprite, and when you walk around it the sprite changes to reflect the angle you're looking at it from.

I am assuming that there's just a few rooms with nothing really to shoot, and the metal door is impassable and there's no sounds and I'm not being a dumbass who missed a whole load. lemme tell you this is some sublime visuals, even with nothing to do I'm enjoying just walking into doors and looking out windows and sliding around. this visual style is going to take you far, everything just looks chef's kiss, y'know. I really hope to see a full game looking like this.

I'm learning recently that platformer controls are kind of hard to design. so it's understandable that the buttons you've chosen are a little awkward. music's pretty good. I think that constantly falling like it's flappy bird is not necessarily the best choice for a bullet hell. I like the section with the barrel-bomb and the things that spawn the slime boys, for how it teaches this idea that the barrel-bomb goes through grates. completely missed that my first time through and ended up getting swarmed. but the guidance was clear as day my second time through.

it's gotta be said that this is probably not my kind of game, cos I found the combat to be a bit of a chore and comparing loot I didn't find terribly thrilling.

presentation is pretty good though, audio's very nice and it's got a cohesive if slightly low-quality and slimy art style, no complaints there.

the bloodstained knight or whatever, does it have a healing ability? I fought it with a bow for many many seconds, perhaps even minutes, and it didn't die. I died instead, of boredom and of suspecting that it was still at full health.

I ended up getting through the whole game on my second attempt though, up until the little AGDG password check thing. Took an hour and then some. spent the whole time somewhat convinced that I was playing the game wrong, since my method of defeating enemies was usually to kite them until they died, which is kind of long.

It was a while until I figured out how to use magic, and I still haven't figured out how to access this 'Spell Wheel' I've heard to much about.

The stairs at the start of the game go up, and yet it is implied you came down through them? Did protagonist start their adventure by going from the second floor of the ToK down to the first!?!?!? inexcusable plot hole, it should be a staircase going downward, or a great doorway or something.

I like lifesteal, and the fact that getting full health when levelling up is effectively lifesteal. also got some lifesteal items which may have elongated my survivability to levels far beyond what I'd earned

Omnigon community · Posted in bug

that's hilarious, maybe there's something funny I can do with that

"only requiring you to drop your images on a each of the 6 colors' folders"
ooh that could work well.

do minions have to have an ability? I believe I tried making a Big Stats Card with no ability and couldn't do it for some reason

cool puzzle game, very charming

this seems like the kind of game that requires a lot of time to properly judge, so I'll only give some first impressions

I like the concept of being able to make your own cards, but the process of doing so is pretty clunky. it wasn't immediately clear to me where the 'fast forward' button will go: does it skip from e.g. active effect 1 to passive effect 1 or somewhere else? sometimes it seems to do nothing

something I'll suggest is having the components of cards be loot pieces that you can get throughout a run. you might find a 'Draw two cards' component or a '5 HP' or something like that. selecting things from full lists doesn't feel too good

UX in general is a bit poopy I'd say. progressing or skipping through all the various phases in-game gets tedious. sometimes I accidentally skip past the attack phase and so fail to hit anything

art's pretty good. no idea how possible this is but this would be a great game to embed one of those image-generating AIs into. so you can type a prompt to get a card image matching whatever stats and name you put on it

cool little chat-game

I imagine she took a while to clamber up on to the seat and table in order to perform this pose. like two minutes of preparation just to deliver this line in a strange position lol

holy presentation batman! the pixel art and animations are very smooth. I think the protagonist is using skeletal puppet animations? it's used very nicely here.

not sure if this was the intention but I find this kind of like rage platformers that suddenly kill you unexpectedly a lot. time reversal is a good mechanic in such a game since it removes the tedious part of these games

never did figure out how to properly dispose of enemies that rewind time when they die

climbing up ledges is a bit eeeh