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I found 2 bugs at 2:09 in the video.

The first is near the bunny's house. There is a spot behind the house where it seems like you can walk past no issue but there is a random invisible wall stopping you. Why not just have a fence there so it shows that you can't go that way?

And the 2nd bug involves the river. I seen ways to make the scooter glitch out by riding it near the lake so I did it myself on-foot and hey! I can walk on water! But the space is really tight and I can't get out. Resulting in me softlocking the game. And when I tried to reload my file (Which takes longer than it should since the quit option boots you back to your computer) it respawned me in the same spot forcing me to start a new file and start all over.

This basically states that the river can hard-brick your save file if you're not careful.

Hi, thank you for bringing these issues to our attention. I will make sure these are fixed for the next update. Thank you for playing the game!